Title: Ivan Belyaev, LAPP Annecy
1Heavy Flavours
Introduction talk at Heavy Flavour Physics
Session XXXXth Rencontres de Moriond, March
12-19 2005 QCD and Hadronic interactions at
high energy
- Ivan Belyaev, LAPP Annecy
2Heavy Flavours LQCD M
- c b t t
- Heavy
- aS(MQ) is small
- Success of pQCD,
- Impact on HF production in hadronic
environment - 1/MQ (LQCD/MQ) expansion
- Success of Heavy Quark Mass Expansion
- Impact on HF decays
- Flavour
- QCD is flavour-blind
3Where Heavy Flavours come from?
- hadronic environment
- CDF, D0, HERA(ep,pA), TeV fixed target
- ee- experiments
- BaBaR, Belle, CLEO(-C) , BES,
- Heavy Ion Physics is also interested in Heavy
Flavours -
- Heavy Ion Heavy Flavour ?11.5k documents
4QCD?Heavy Flavours
- Extraction of fundamental EW-CKM parameters is
impossible without deep understanding of QCD
effects - New physics in rare decays
5Heavy Flavours ? QCD
- Heavy flavour production at high energy
- Checks for (p)QCD
- Predictions for LHC
- Heavy flavour decays/asymmetries
- Checks for HQE
- extraction of fundamental parameters
- Spectroscopy/bound states
- Checks for QCD models and sometimes theory
6Beauty production at high energy
- HERA H1, ZEUS (ep) 30/920 GeV
- Photoproduction Q2 1 GeV2
- Hard scales Mb, pT
- Deep Inelastic Scattering Q2 gtgt 1 GeV2
- Hard scalesMb, pT, Q2
- Tevatron CDF, D0 vs 2TeV
- hard scales Mb, pT(gt5 GeV/c)
At least 1 hard scale (usully more) pQCD should
7Beauty production at High Energy
D0 Run IIPRL 84(2000) 5478
CDF Run IPRL 85(2002) 5068
Run II Moriond QCD04
Too much beauty?
2004-OK ?
8Heavy Flavour decays
- Heavy Quark Mass Expansion and Operator Product
Expansion - G G0 (L/MQ)G1 (L/MQ)2G2(L/MQ)3G3
- Gi are power series as(MQ)
- G0 free quark
- G1 0 for ALL inclusive widths (b?cl-n,
hadronic, b?sg, b?sll-) - G2 expressed through
- kinetic energy m2p
- chromomagnetic moment m2G ( MB -MB ?
m2G/Mb ) - G3 includes Darwin and Spin-Orbital
- non-spectator effects at (1/MQ)3 PI,WE,WA,
- Could be large ( e.g. for charm G(Wc)/G(D)15 )
9Recent success
- Lepton energy and hadron mass moments analysis in
B?Xcln - Availability of good experimental data
- Progress in theory
- B (B?Xcln)
- s/B 1.6exp?0.6HQE
- Vcb
- s/Vcb 1exp?1HQE?1.5TH
- mb,mc,mb-mc ,m2p,m2G,r3D,r3LS,
BaBaRPRL 93(2004)011803
HQET result for exclusive B?Dln rate at zero
recoil s/Vcb 2exp ? 4TH
10Rare decays?
- HQE works nicely for inclusive rates
- Evaluation of formfactors for exclusive rates is
difficult - Note the progress in lattice QCD
- Remarkable exception HQET for B?D()ln
- But experimentally a bit difficult piece of
phase space - Exclusive rates often more clean experimentally
- more difficult for theory,
- but usually fine for rare decays
- a bit more difficult for experiments
- Theory NNL0 calculation
- Forward backward asymmetry zero is a precision
test of the Standard Model - Need HUGE increase of experimental data sets
- SuperB(u,d) and SuperB(u,d,s) factories LHCb 4.4k
BaBaRPRL 93(2004)081802
12Radiative Penguins
- Inclusive B ?Xsg
- NNLO calculations in a good shape
- Useful for Vub extraction
- El and MX spectra in B?Xuln
- the same shape function
- exclusive B ?Kg , B?r(w)g
- Vtd/Vts from G(B?r(w)g)/G(B ?Kg)
- better for very large Dms
- experimentally limited
- only by statistics
- TH B (B?r0(w)g)6.5x10-7
- SuperB(u,d,s,..) factories
BELLEPRL 93(2004)061803
13New Peaks
- A lot of new peaks (expected and non-expected)
have been observed recently - (cc)
- (cs)
- (5q)
- New excited charmed baryons
- Other peaks
- Some of them are already particles
- Other need to be classified
- Particles, molecules, hybrids, Nq , ,
other beasts - Fragmentation effects
- Artefacts
14New Particles cs
DsJ (2317)?Dsp0
BaBaRPRL 90(2003)24001
- 2 narrow resonances
- Dsp0 Dsp0
- Isospin violation decays
- Later seen in
- Measure quantum numbers!
DsJ (2463)?Dsp0
CLEOPR D68(2003) 032002
15Expected hc (11P1)
- Searched from 1982
- P-wave hyperfine splitting
- CLEO-C U? y
- Change a flavour after many successful years
16Unexpected X(3872),Y(3940)
- X(3872) and Y(3940)
- discovered in exclusive decays B ?(J/ypp-)K
and B?(J/ypp-p0)K - Determination of quantum numbers easy
- (cc) ? D0D0 Molecule? Hybrid?
BELLEPRL 91(2003)262001
17Unexpected X(3940)
- X(3940)
- Discovered in double charmonium production
- ee-?J/y (cc) in J/y recoil mass
- Seems to be different from Y(3940)
Hot news!
18Threshold structures in B-decays
- 3-body B-decays with baryons show clear
intriguing structures at threshold (inconsistent
with phase space) - New particles?
- Fragmentation dynamics?
BELLEPRL 89(2002)151802
19Instead of Summary
- Heavy Flavours and QCD
- Close (dis)connections
- Good progress in theory
- Theory replaces models in many corners
- B?Xcln, B?Xsg, B?Xsll-,
- Theory is particular advanced for rare decays
- Super B(u,d) factories, LHC,
- Heavy Flavours continue to produce a lot of
questions - A lot of new peaks
- Some of them already interpreted as particles
- A lot to do for models and theory
- Fantastic subject for Rencontres de Moriond
21Beauty production at HERA(pA)
- pA, fixed target
- vs 40 GeV
- Look for b?J/y?ll-
- detached J/y vertices
- Only part of statistics
- 2k