Title: Homeopathy Sydney (1)
- RC Homeopathy offers natural homeopathic remedies
to treat all sorts of body and mind related
sickness. Buy homeopathic remedies online from RC
homeopathic clinic in Sydney and avail discount
prices for all the natural products ordered
2 Hyperacidity, more commonly known as acidity is
the increase in the quantity of hydrochloric acid
in the stomach. These acids are produced during
digestion when food enters our stomach. A healthy
body environment should be alkaline but this
increased acidity means that your acid producing
glands are functioning abnormally. Eating
processed food, junk food, or any such edible
item which requires effort on part of the
stomach, these glands start secreting this acid
even more. Therefore a continuous addiction to
junk foods in time may cause these glands to
secrete this acid abnormally even when not
stimulated. There are various acidity symptoms
which may then become common such as Stomach
pain Nausea Bloating Vomiting Dizziness Lost
appetite Heartburn Flatulence
3When noticing hyperacidity symptoms, it is a
clear indication that your body is not able to
absorb the required nutrients from food. This in
turn further deteriorates your mind, body and
soul. What conventional treatments provides us
are suppressive drugs and antacids which provide
a temporary relief only to make it more potent
and returning back with aggravated hyperacidity
symptoms. While this imbalance can be
naturally cured through homeopathy what most of
the people do is to take suppressive drugs for so
long that in time these initial acute symptoms
may become chronic. Neurotransmitters that help
facilitate the transfer of information from one
neuron to another are also produced in your gut.
An unhealthy gut can now affect your mental and
emotional health. Therefore we highly recommend
natural methods of healing such as homeopathy
which looks onto your unique personal factors
that may have caused you to develop hyperacidity
in the first place. Your family history, personal
history, major traumas, major life events, etc
are all paid due attention by a homeopathic
practitioner to bring about a healing on all
4Thereafter symptom matching is performed and the
best remedies suitable for your specific case are
recommended. Also, the homeopathic remedies have
the potential not only to provide your body
relief from the current symptom but also to make
your body resistant to a host of other
symptoms. It in turn helps you to regain the
mental, emotional and physical balance. Top
homeopathic medicines for hyperacidity are Carbo
Veg Natrum Phos Robinia Iris Versicolor and Nux
Vomica. Water brash A homeopath may also suggest
you some lifestyle changes such as Removing foods
that triggers acidity from your diet Avoid pain
killers Not to consume food just before
sleep Avoiding alcohol/coffee In the above
article, I have given just a general outline of
the acidity symptoms and their possible
treatment. Note Do not self medicate any of the
remedies. Consult a well trained homeopath. If
you still have any doubts or queries, leave me a
message at info_at_RChomeopathy.com.au and I will
get back to you soon.
5Contact Us
- 3 Antill Road, Edmondson Park, NSW 2174
- 46 Wall Park Ave, Seven Hills, NSW, 2147
- 17/47-53, Hampstead Rd, Homebush West, NSW 2140
- 34 East St, Five Dock, 2046
- (02) 9920 4006
- info_at_RChomeopathy.com.au
- ramya_at_RChomeopathy.com.au
- rchomeopathy_at_gmail.com
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- Skype RChomeopathy