Title: Before Buying A Franchise Get Some Advice
1Seeking The Right Legal Advice For Franchising
2The Right Legal Advice
- Franchising is a distribution model and it is
important to note that this model requires a
unique system created for the particular business
to be franchised, and is distinguishable from a
form of marketing
3Is The Business Franchiseable?
- The first stage of preparation is to assess
whether the existing business is able to be
franchised. This is largely determined by
evaluating the market in which the business
operates and assessing the ability to establish
successful clone operations in other locations
4Developing The Franchise
- Once the above steps have been completed, the
franchisor should then work on the operational
model of the system. This process involves the
creation of workflow and the separation of duties
between the franchisor and franchisees
5Financial Modelling
- If the business is one which has the potential of
being franchised, it is essential to create a
financial model, having regard to both parties
which will make up the whole of the business the
franchisor and the franchisee
6Operations Manual
- The Operations Manual is a crucial part of the
offering to franchisees rights. It is the
operational bible of the business and must be so
comprehensive that it should cover all aspects of
running the franchisees business.
- Depending on whether the franchise is in respect
of a mobile or retail business. the franchisor
must determine whether the franchise is being
granted for a territory or a specific site
8Supply Arrangements
- It is tempting for a franchisor to create
additional income streams from the franchisee
group of businesses.
9Franchise Agreement
- the lawyers role to correctly record commercial
terms and the parties obligations in the
franchise agreement which is ultimately the
single most important document and the result of
the initial setup project.