Title: Mobile App Development Services - SNAKIndia
1 SNAKINDIA IT Software Company
2Top Trends That Shape The Future Of Mobility
- Mobility Solutions means utilizing mobile
technologies mobility innovation ideas for
business purposes. - Mobility Solutions opens new doors for
organizations, with higher profitability,
upgraded coordinated effort, diminished equipment
costs, and enhanced efficiencies.
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51. Artificial Intelligence
- AI Commonly Known as machine Intelligence or
intelligent agents as any device captures its
environment and takes required actions that
increases its chance of achieving goals. - Some AI Trends For 2018
- Hybrid Learning Models
- Automated Machine Learning
- Digital Twin
- Deep Learning Theory
- Capsule Networks
6Strong Arguments In Favor of Artificial
- AI boost industrial growth in sectors like
finance, communication and manufacturing. - AI augments maximize business by better use of
assets, allow to invest capital efficiently and
cutting down cost and time. - Intelligent Automation about creating automated
solutions that are exceptionally advanced,
adaptable, effective and secure.
72. Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
- BYOD, allow employee to bring their own devices
like laptop, tablets and smart phones use those
devices for any purpose.
8- Some of the benefits that descend from BYOD like
- 1.Increase productivity As employee use own
devices, this enables user to make navigating
device easily and increased productivity. - 2.Employee satisfaction Employee use their own
personal device from doing work rather then being
selected by the IT team. - 3.Cost reduction of the firm Cost savings can
occur on the company end
93. Internet of Things
- IoT consist of physical devices, vehicles, home
appliances etc. that embedded with sensors,
automation, and software which enables these
things to connect and exchange data.
10- Some Internet of Things Business Benefits
- According to the McKinsey report, one of the
industries that can get the most out of IoT is
manufacturing. management, supply chain
optimization will be done more efficiently and
with less complications with IOT. - IoT access control devices can do far more than
control and restrict entry to your premises. - Gather wide range of data about their customers
and products and gives a clear picture how
customer interact with the products
114. Cloud Computing gains Importance
- Cloud Computing means storing official data as
per the required demand of the offices. - A definitive advantage of cloud computing is that
we can access and make utilization of stored data
anywhere around the globe.
125. Demand for Location based services Is Growing
- With more access of Internet GPS user become
tech-savvy, search for the local businesses
increases. - With the help of GPS tracker and Google display
search result, it shows the top results of the
search most near to your current location.
13- Conclusion
- As data needs grow and subsequent changes in the
customers experience or behavior, organizations
looks out alternate method to cater the
customers behavior which is cost effective,
productive, easy accessible manage and leverage
the data to run their businesses. - The above five Mobility solutions will be the
future of technology in the coming days, and yet
those company who are not involve with them ,
soon become out of the market as customer
behavior is changing.
14Thank You
- SNAKIndia IT Software Development Firm
- Contact us
- 011-45002658
- info_at_snakindia.com
- http//www.snakindia.com/
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