Email marketing is guaranteed to get you more money with less investment than any other method you use for marketing and advertising. Open the line of communication to potential clients, get your message delivered to large number of categorized lists of email address database. Dollars to donuts, it doesn’t matter what industry you’re in – email marketing campaign is guaranteed to get you more money with less investment than any other method you use for advertising. How is that possible? Just simple common sense, Unlike advertising with Print media, Radio, and banners, advertising by running email marketing campaign doesn’t leave you in doubt that someone is looking at it. When you send an email, you are basically sending a letter that is going into a mailbox that people check every day, and not just at their work place alone, rather now most of them have their iPhones, Androids, Black Berry, Smart Phones, and what not, people are CONSTANTLY checking their emails. – PowerPoint PPT presentation