Title: How to buy donepezil online from the best website?
1How to buy donepezil online from the best website?
2What is Donepezil Hydrochlorid?
It works by preventing the breakdown of a
chemical called acetylcholine. People
with dementia usually have lower levels of this
chemical, which is important for the processes of
memory, thinking, and reasoning. Donepezil is
used to treat mild to moderate dementia caused
by Alzheimer's disease
- Uses. Donepezil is used to treat confusion (dement
ia) related to Alzheimer's disease. It does not
cureAlzheimer's disease, but it may improve
memory, awareness, and the ability to function.
This medication is an enzyme blocker that works
by restoring the balance of natural substances
(neurotransmitters) in the brain.
4Side Effects of taking Donepezil
5Side Effects. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss
of appetite/weight loss, dizziness,drowsiness, wea
kness, trouble sleeping, shakiness (tremor),
or muscle crampsmay occur as your body adjusts to
the drug.
- Of taking or not taking Donepezil Hydrochloride.
- Donepezil is used to treat confusion (dementia)
related to Alzheimer's disease. Itdoes not cure
Alzheimer's disease, but it may improve memory,
awareness, and the ability to function. This
medication is an enzyme blocker that works by
restoring the balance of natural substances
(neurotransmitters) in the brain.
- You shouldnt take if you have these issues
- a heart rhythm disorder
- a history of stomach ulcers
- an enlarged prostate or urination problems
- liver or kidney disease
- epilepsy or other seizure disorder
- trouble swallowing or
- asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease (COPD), or other breathing disorder.
7These medications eventually lose effectiveness be
cause dwindling brain cells produce less
acetylcholine as the disease progresses.
... Donepezil (Aricept) is approved to treat all
stages of the disease.
8Large image
- Full screen image with caption lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet
9Thank You
- https//publicpharma.org/product/donepezil-10mg/