Title: Mobile Network Booster
1Mobile Network Booster
Authorized Mobile Signal Network Booster
Company in India www.mobilenetworkbooster.net
23G Mobile Signal
- 3G (2100MHz) Network operator, Easy operation and
Installation Process, Upgradable for
multiple rooms. - Mobile Signal Booster is the perfect solution for
problems caused by poor Cell Phone
reception. These Cell Phone signal boosters -
Which are also known as Mobile Signal repeaters -
serve as powerful amplifiers that will rapidly
boost your cell phone reception to make your
wireless phone experience smoother, more
reliable. - A mobile phone repeater could also improve indoor
electromagnetism environments, protract cellular
battery life and reduce radiation of cell phones.
3How Mobile Signal Booster Works
A cell phone reception booster is generally a
repeater system that involves the amplifier
adding gain or power to the reception in various
directions. Even for a cheap cell phone signal
booster, maximum gain differs by application. The
work of an outside antenna is to both receive and
transmit signal to a cellular tower with enhanced
power and sensitivity. Usually the dB gain is
never below 7 dB and can be over 10 dB gain. The
system's elements conduit is the coaxial cable.
It is also a factor in transmission loss.
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6Contact Details
Mail Id- info_at_mobilenetworkbooster.net
Contact No- 91 9711170807
Address- Block L, Lajpat Nagar,
Delhi-110024 Website- www.mobilenetworkbooster.ne
7Thank You