Title: NSF Division of Mathematical Sciences
1NSF Division of Mathematical Sciences
- Peter March
- Blackwell-Tapia Conference
- Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences
Institute - Research Triangle Park, NC
- November 15, 2008
2What does DMS support?
- Individual Investigator Awards
- Algebra, Number Theory Combinatorics
Statistics etc. - CHE-DMR-DMS Solar Energy Initiative (SOLAR), etc.
- Workforce
- Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU)
- Proactive Recruitment in Introductory Science and
Mathematics (PRISM) etc. - Institutes
3FY 2008 Budget ( 212M)
4NSF investment priorities
Promote transformational, multidisciplinary
research Investigate the human and social
dimensions of knowledge and technology Further
U.S. economic competitiveness Foster research
that improves our ability to live sustainably on
Earth Advance fundamental research in
computational science and engineering, and in
fundamental, applied and interdisciplinary
mathematics and statistics
5Founding Document of NSF
- The Government should accept new
responsibilities for promoting the flow of new
scientific knowledge and the development of
scientific talent in our youth. These
responsibilities are the proper concern of the
Government, for they vitally affect our health,
our jobs, and our national security. - - Vannevar Bush, Science The Endless Frontier,
6NSF in a Nutshell
- Integration of research and education
- Health, wealth, and stealth
- Diversification of the portfolio as an investment
philosophy - Diversity of ideas
- Diversity of people
- Diversity of institutional types
- Diversity of geography