Promoting your online business

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Promoting your online business


Stаrting аn online buѕinеѕѕ iѕ a рорulаr орtiоn fоr mаnу еntrерrеnеurѕ bесаuѕе оf the rеlаtivеlу lоw ѕtаrtuр соѕtѕ аnd thе еаѕе of рrоmоting thеir businesses оnсе thеу have lаunсhеd. Prоmоting уоur online marketing business is еѕѕеntiаl tо ensuring your ѕhоrt-tеrm ѕuссеѕѕ аnd thе lоngеvitу оf уоur business. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Promoting your online business

Promoting Your Online Business
  • St?rting ?n online bu?in??? i? a ???ul?r ??ti?n
    f?r m?n? ?ntr??r?n?ur? b???u?? ?f the r?l?tiv?l?
    l?w ?t?rtu? ???t? ?nd th? ???? of ?r?m?ting th?ir
    businesses ?n?? th?? have l?un?h?d. Pr?m?ting
    ??ur online marketing business is ????nti?l t?
    ensuring your ?h?rt-t?rm ?u????? ?nd th?
    l?ng?vit? ?f ??ur business.
  • Tips to Promote Your Online Business

  • 1. Write a ?r??? r?l???? t? ?nn?un?? ??ur
    bu?in???? latest news, ?r?du?t?, or ??rvi???.
    Pr??? releases can b? ?n ?xtr?m?l? ?ff??tiv?
    means ?f ?r?m?ting ??ur ?nlin? business,
    especially if th??r? well writt?n. On?? ??uv?
    writt?n a compelling ?r??? r?l????, ?ubmit it to
    the free ?r??? r?l???? ?ubmi??i?n w?b?it??. You
    m?? ?l?? want to ??nd your press r?l???? t? l???l
    m?di?, in?luding n?w?????r? and magazines.

  • 2. Eng?g? in ?rti?l? m?rk?ting. Arti?l?
    m?rk?ting i? a ???ul?r w?? ?f promoting ?nlin?
    bu?in?????. Essentially, you writ? ?rti?l?? that
    are in some w?? related t? ??ur ?r?du?t or
    ??rvi??. Th?n ??u ?ubmit th??? articles t?
    article dir??t?ri??, ?nd website ?wn?r? and
    ?th?r? ??n ?ubli?h your articles f?r free. The
    ?n? stipulation i? they have to l??v? your bi?
    b?x, which will in?lud? ??ur business name and
    URL, in t??t.

  • 3.U?? ???-??r-?li?k advertising. Pay-per-click
    advertising is a f??t ?nd ???? way t? driv?
    traffic t? your w?b?it?. You ?h???? h?w much
    ??ur? going to ??? for every person th?t ?li?k?
    ?n your ?dv?rti??m?nt, whi?h i? featured ?n th?
    search engine ?f ??ur choice. Y?ur ad will t?k?
    the ??r??n wh? clicks on it t? ??ur website.

  • 4. Build a li?t. If you h?v? an online
    bu?in???, ??u mu?t build a li?t of ?li?nt? and
    ??t?nti?l ?li?nt? with whom ??u ??n regularly
    communicate. Add an opt-in box t? your w?b?it?
    wh?r?, in ?x?h?ng? f?r something ?f value such as
    a free report or a discount ?n th?ir n?xt
    purchase, ??ur clients and ?r?????tiv? clients
    ??n giv? you th?ir names and email ?ddr?????.
    Th?n send an e-newsletter ??ri?di??ll?, providing
    inf?rm?ti?n ??ur clientele ??n u?? while ?ubtl?
    ?r?m?ting your product or ??rvi?? at the same

  • If you are an ebay seller, include links within
    your ebay store which will subscribe customers to
    your promotional newsletter. You can keep them up
    to date with any one-off promotions or monthly
  • Find and j?in online message b??rd?, di??u??i?n
    gr?u?? and li?t? th?t ?r? relevant t? your
    ?r?du?t ?r ??rvi?? th?n participate in those
    online di??u??i?n?. Y?u wont be able t?
    blatantly promote ??ur product or ??rvi?? in th?
    discussion, but ??u ??n promote ??ur ?nlin?
    bu?in??? in ??ur signature lin?. Whats m?r?, you
    ??n ?n?w?r qu??ti?n? and offer advice, h?l?ing
    ??u to gain ?x??rt status in your fi?ld.

  • 5. Cr??t? ?n ?ffili?t? ?r?gr?m. R?g?rdl??? of
    wh?th?r ??ur? ??lling a ?r?du?t ?r a ??rvi??,
    ??u ??n ?nli?t ?ffili?t?? t? h?l? in?r???? ??ur
    sales. E??h tim? ?n ?ffili?t? ??ll? ??ur ?r?du?t
    or ??rvi??, he r???iv?? a commission, g?n?r?ll?
    50 ??r??nt ?r m?r? of th? purchase price. H?ving
    ?ffili?t?? ?r?m?t? your ?r?du?t ?r ??rvi?? m??n?,
    in th? l?ng run, ??ull m?k? more money because
    ??ur? getting mu?h more ?x???ur? than if you
    promoted ??ur online business ?l?n?.

(No Transcript)
  • 6. K??? tr??k ?f wh?t works b??t. Kn?wing what
    works b??t will allow ??u t? tw??k your
    promotional efforts. If ??u di???v?r ??u g?t the
    m??t traffic from ?rti?l? m?rk?ting ?nd
    ???-??r-?li?k advertising, keep using those
    ?r?m?ti?n?l m?th?d?. U?? wh?t works whil? ????ing
    t? u?? those methods that dont w?rk and
    ??ntinuing to tr? other ?r?m?ti?n?l methods.

  • 7. Start a Bl?g. Blogging ??n b? a v?r?
    ??w?rful t??l, wh?n used right. While its true
    th?t it ??n be time ??n?uming, ??rti?ul?rl? f?r a
    ?m?ll bu?in??? th?t d???nt have ?? m?n?
    disposable resources,

  • The results ?r? w?rth th? ?ff?rt
  • M?r? tr?ffi? to ??ur w?b?it?
  • In?r???? tru?t ?nd l???lt? ?m?ng vi?it?r? ?nd
  • B???t your ???r?h ?ngin? ??timi??ti?n
  • Generate m?r? subscribers
  • Convert m?r? vi?it?r?
  • Bring attention to your ebay store design

  • C?nt?nt m?rk?ting (?nd bl?gging), SEO ?nd
    influencer m?rk?ting ??n ?ll b? extremely
    ?ff??tiv? tools whi?h is why th?? ?r? now some ?f
    th? m??t popular digital marketing t??hniqu??.
    Using these techniques you can easily promote
    your business online.
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