Ayurvedic Treatment for Obesity (1)

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Ayurvedic Treatment for Obesity (1)


Obesity has become one of the fastest growing disorder of the decade. From children to adults, one in four individuals is obese. Obesity means that the body mass index (BMI) is more than 27. Excessive accumulation of fat in the body causes obesity. In a day we consume near about 1600-2000 calories and only 1000-1200 calories utilization done by yourself means near about 600-800 calories remain in the body. This leads to excess deposition of fat in the body and causes obesity – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Ayurvedic Treatment for Obesity (1)

Ayurvedic Treatment for Obesity
  • Obesity has become one of the fastest
    growing disorder of the decade. From children to
    adults, one in four individuals is obese. Obesity
    means that the body mass index (BMI) is more than
    27. Excessive accumulation of fat in the body
    causes obesity.

Ayurvedic View of Obesity
  • Acharya Charak explained obesity in
    Asthnidit Adhaya . It is known as Medoroga. It
    is called by aggravation of Kapha. Kapha is
    normal state provide nourishment to tissues
    through various microchannels, but when it is
    aggravated it leads to the production of toxins
    in the body. These toxins accumulate in channels
    and causing obstruction of channels.

  • Pacification of Kapha doshas done by
    vaman. Vaman means the elimination of doshas
    through vomiting. It is done by medicated
    decoction of madanphala and yastimadhu. After
    vaman 7 days of Sansarjana Karma means diet
    schedule followed by the patient which leads to
    the elimination of doshas and ulceration of agni
    means digestive power. Vaman also helps in
    cleansing of small channels.

Virechan Therapy
  • After vaman virechan should be done. It is for
    pitta dosha but the doshas which remain in body
    even after vaman should be removed by virechan
    therapy. It also causes cleansing of medovah
  • Panchakarma like vaman-virechana does not help in
    weight reduction it helps in Reduction of fat.

Weight Loss Management
  • Diet and Lifestyle
  • Avoid high carbohydrates like potato, polished,
  • Increase intake of fruits and salads
  • Avoid oily and spicy foods drink of lukewarm
    water with lime
  • Use of powdered cum seeds, coriander leaves salt
    and ginger powder with outer milk should be

  • Dhanurasana
  • Bhuyangasana
  • Ardhamasiendraysana
  • Trikonasana
  • Surya Namaskar

Obesity Treatment at Parijatak
  • Parijatak Ayurveda follows traditional
    methods of reducing the extra body weight which
    has no side effects on your body. Being one of
    the renowned Ayurvedic weight loss centres in
    India, it gives natural remedies in its specially
    designed weight loss programs.

Contact Us
  • Shankar Nagar Branch
  • 154, Shankar Nagar, Near Garden,
  •  Phone No  91-9607957777 , 7263807777
  •  Mobile No  91-9923200007
  •  Email  info_at_parijatak.com , ayurveda_at_parijatak.c
  •  Helpline  9209107777
  • Khamla Branch
  • 19, Kotwal Nagar, Khamla Square, Nagpur 440025
  •  Phone No  91-9607187777
  •  Email  info_at_parijatak.com , ayurveda_at_parijatak.c
  •  Helpline  9209107777

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