Title: Knowband Prestashop Abandoned Cart Addon
1Knowband Prestashop Abandoned cart Addon
Wondering how to get customers back who have
abandoned theircarts? How to reduce Abandoned
carts on the store?
Cart abandonment is one thing that is
common now-a-days,almost all the companies no
matter how big or small faces thisproblem.
There are a number of ways in which the
customersabandons their carts, I have listed
some of the major ones
1. Issue with the Shipping/Delivery often leads
to shopping cartabandonment.
2. Lack of Payment methods on the store.
3. No discounts or higher price of products.
4. Any hidden cost added at the checkout step.
25. Normal browsing or comparing prices.
6. Trust and Security Issues.
Cart Abandonment is one such problem which no
store owner canfix or overcome. But one can
work effectively to reduceAbandoned carts on
the store.
Prestashop Abandoned cart addon by Knowband
is one suchsmart addon which tracks all the
abandoned cart of Guest as wellas logged in
customers in the store, and sends reminder email
tothe customers who have abandoned their
carts Automaticallyusing crons, prestashop
admin can even send follow-up
emailsmanually. Moreover, it also saves the
details of the customerswho has abandoned
their carts, the information is later used
forsending personalized email reminders.
It is an easy way, a better way, a smart way to
boost sales andincrease revenue by regularly
following up on the lost sales andcarts. The
addon increases the chances of converting the
cartswhich are left abandoned. Prestashop
Features of Prestashop Abandoned cart addon
1. Prestashop Email Follow-up addon allows
prestashop storeowners to set the time period
after which they are assumed asAbandoned.
32. Testing Mode to test the functionality of the
Reminder emailfollow-up addon before making it
live on the store.
3. All the captured abandoned carts are listed in
the Abandonedcart list tab for admin to easily
have a track of all the abandonedcarts on the
store. The captured abandoned carts can
also befiltered using 'Email' or 'Name' filters
to search for any particularcart.
44. Prestashop Abandoned cart by Knowband sends
personalizedautomated email follow-ups with
or without auto-generatedcoupon codes which
encourages the customers to complete
5. The Reminder email sent by the Prestashop
Abandoned cartaddon has a direct link to the
checkout page. Once the customerclicks on this
link all the abandoned products are
automaticallyadded to the cart and also the
coupon code sent via reminderemail will be
automatically applied to the cart total to
reducecustomer effort and increase chances of
56. This Prestashop addon is very smart to
organize abandonedcart and converted cart list
for the store owners for easy trackingand
67. Smart Prestashop abandoned cart addon
also generatesInteractive and beautiful bar
and pie graphs to compareAbandoned carts and
converted carts and their amounts. Thesegraphs
are very easy to understand.
78.Knowband Prestashop Abandoned cart addon
offers emailpersonalization in customers own
8Benefits of Prestashop Email follow-up
addon toMerchants
1. This Prestashop addon makes admin more
flexible andresponsive to the needs of the
customer by understanding what acustomer wants.
2. This Smart Prestashop Email reminder
addon helps inrecovering carts and generating
more revenue in the store.
3. Prestashop Recovery email addon by Knowband is
very easy touse and understand. No coding
knowledge is required. Easyconfiguration with
detailed user manual.
4. Automatic email reminders reduces the
efforts of admin bycapturing Abandoned
carts, sending automatic email remindersetc.
5. Reduce Abandoned cart on the store and help in
recovering lostsales.
Benefits of Prestashop Abandoned cart
addon tocustomers
1. Breaks the communication barrier between
Admin andCustomers by sending Automated email
2. Getting a discount often makes customers happy
and an urgeto complete the purchase.
3. Reminder emails sent by Prestashop Abandoned
cart addonhave direct link to the checkout
page, with all the abandonedproducts in the
cart and the coupon offered to the customers
viathese follow-up emails are automatically
applied to the cart totalat the time of
9Video Link https//www.youtube.com/watch?vjUWZCP
Product link https//www.knowband.com/prestashop-
abandoned-cartAdmin demo https//ps.knowband.com
/demo1/16/admin1/index.phpFront Demo