Title: Herbal Pills to Stop Heavy Menstrual Bleeding in Girls
1Herbal Pills To Stop Heavy Menstrual Bleeding In
2Herbal Pills To Stop Heavy Menstrual Bleeding
Every woman, at one time or the other, has faced
the problem of excessive menstrual bleeding. It
could be due to several reasons but it can be
cured. Herbal pills to stop heavy menstrual
bleeding are available to safely being relief
from heavy bleeding.
3Causes Of Heavy Menstrual Bleeding
Causes of heavy menstrual bleeding Hormonal
imbalance, especially before menopause Thyroid
problems Stress Fibroids Gaining or losing
too much weight
4Causes Of Heavy Menstrual Bleeding
Abnormalities in the uterine Pelvic
infections Polyps Tumour in the uterus
Dysfunctional ovaries Adenomyosis
Intrauterine device used for birth control
5Causes Of Heavy Menstrual Bleeding
Pregnancy complications Cancer Medical
conditions like kidney or liver diseases
Hereditary bleeding disorders Certain
medications like anticoagulants,
anti-inflammatory and hormonal medications
6Symptoms Of Heavy Menstrual Bleeding
Symptoms of heavy menstrual bleeding Periods
extending beyond 7 days Changing sanitary
napkins every one or two hours
7Symptoms Of Heavy Menstrual Bleeding
If these symptoms persist, it could cause
cervical cancer, anaemia, depression or
deterioration of strength. Under such
circumstances, treatment should be sought.
Natural treatment for heavy periods is available.
Heavy menstrual bleeding, or menorrhagia, can be
treated with natural remedies at home.
The following herbs can be highly
beneficial. Cinnamon, Banana flower, Sacred fig,
Mustard seeds, Licorice, Rough chaff, Omega-3,
Mango bark, Caveat, Jujube tea, Iron-rich foods,
Hawthorne flowers, Tenner's cassia.
9Healthy Diet
A good and healthy diet should be followed. It
should be rich in magnesium, iron and calcium. A
good diet should include lots of fruits and green
vegetables. There are also herbal pills to stop
heavy menstrual bleeding. They are safe to use
and are free of any chemicals.
10Conditions Of Heavy Menstrual Bleeding
- Despite the above mentioned natural
remedies, if the following conditions persist,
one must consult a doctor - Heavy bleeding persisting in several consecutive
periods, even after following home remedies. - Passing thick blood clots for more than a day.
- Periods lasting for more than 7 days.
11Conditions Of Heavy Menstrual Bleeding
- Suffering from anaemia.
- Abnormal vaginal discharge.
- Diarrhoea and vomiting accompanying heavy
bleeding. - Fever with heavy bleeding.
12MCBC Capsules
Ayurveda offers a wide variety of herbal pills to
stop heavy menstrual bleeding but the most
recommended are MCBC capsules. These are the most
effective herbal treatment for menstrual
problems. These pills help in regulating the
menses and bring them to a 28 day cycle. They are
the perfect remedies to promote periods for the
proper duration.
13Symptoms Of Heavy Menstrual Bleeding
They improve fertility and ensure healthy and
problem-free pregnancy. They also treat problems
of painful menstrual cramps. These are natural
remedies which rectify hormonal imbalances caused
by thyroid problems, pregnancy, stress, menopause
and contraceptive pills. They also eradicate the
problems caused to the female body due to smoking
and alcohol intake.
14Ingredients In MCBC Capsules
Natural ingredients like Kachnar, Aparijita,
Salabmisri, Aloe Vera, Nilkadambika,
Shankhpushpi, Dirghwali, Jatamansi, Unab, Buch,
Brahmadandi, Shatavari, Jyotishmati, Brahmi,
Gurhal, Agastya, Ustukhuddus and several others
make it the perfect and most powerful herbal
pills to stop heavy menstrual bleeding.
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