Title: Keeping Trim During the Festive Season
1Keeping Trim During the Festive Season
2Routine goes out the window in the silly season.
There are Christmas parties and functions, public
holidays (so, studio closures) and you may be
lucky enough to get a holiday. For most of us,
exercise slips during this
time. But, there are now easier ways you can stay
on top of it. With YouTube and apps, working out
at home has never been so easy! To avoid having
to make the typical January 1st goal of getting
into shape, take a look at these websites, apps,
and videos which will help to keep you in check
during the festive season.
If you have ever done Barre, youll know that
its not easy! Those 1kg weights feel like they
are 10 times as heavy after all those isometric
holds and countless reps. The great thing about
this is that you can get this tough and effective
workout done quickly and efficiently. These
workout videos can be done in the comfort of your
own home, using things from around the house as
equipment. Dont have 1kg weights? Grab a can of
tomatoes! These programs are specifically
designed and categorised and bundled together
based on your needs. There pre and postnatal
programs as well as boot camps, total toning, and
quick fix programs.
You can view these from your phone, tablet or
desktop, making it easy to keep working out, no
matter if youre in a hotel in NYC, on a beach in
Fiji or just in the comfort of your own home.
Now you can Namaste on your holiday! You just
have to jump on the website to see how amazing
this website is. It has EVERYTHING you could
possibly want. Filter the yoga videos by the type
of yoga you want to practice (everything from
mediation, to power yoga to kids yoga and
pre/postnatal yoga), filter by the teacher you
want to teach you (there are hundreds to choose
the duration you want to practice, at what level,
and where you want the focusto be (anything from
arm balances, to backbends to flexibility). It
means you have any type of yoga for any occasion
and mood youre in, right at your fingertips
your iPhone, TV, computer or tablet. You can sign
up for a 3-monthly or yearly plan, but the great
thing is you can cancel anytime.
Got any other tips and tricks to stay in shape
over the festive season? We would LOVE to hear