Title: Herding Cats: Managing with Electronic Documents
1Herding Cats Managing with Electronic Documents
Part 3 Printing Tips and Tricks
- How a better organized computer and email in-box
can help you save time, money and paper
Presented by Dena Gazin, PaperCuts Coordinator,
Seattle Public Utilities
September, 2006
- Word
- Excel
- PowerPoint
- Internet
- HyperSnap
- Printing Best Practices
(2) City of Seattle Managing With
Electronic Documents
3Printing Tips Word
- Always preview before printing
- File ? Print Preview
- Shrink to fit
- File ? Page Set up
- Adjust margins
- Change orientation
- Modify header footer height
- Header Footer
- Adding file path at bottom of work documents for
easier finding
- Only print the pages you need!
Double Click here
(3) City of Seattle Managing With
Electronic Documents
4Printing Tips Excel
- Always preview before printing
- Whenever possible print double sided (duplex)
- File ? Page Set up
- Orientation
- Can adjust size/scale
- Margins
- Header/Footer
- Sheet
- File ? Print Preview
- Print Preview Toolbar
- Print Setup
- Page Break Preview
- Only print the pages you need!
(4) City of Seattle Managing With
Electronic Documents
5Printing Tips - PowerPoint
- Print double-sided
- Show multiple slides on one piece of paper
- File ?Print
- Switch from Slides to Handout
- File ? Print Preview
- Printing black white
- File ? Print
- Switch from Color to grayscale
- File ? Print Preview ? Options
- Print in Outline view (removes images)
- What about margins?
- A word on file size and images
- Print double-sided
- Show multiple slides on one piece of paper
- File ?Print
- Switch from Slides to Handout
- Print double-sided
- Show multiple slides on one piece of paper
- File ?Print
- Switch from Slides to Handout
- File ? Print Preview
(5) City of Seattle Managing With
Electronic Documents
6Printing Tips - Internet
- Always ask yourself Do I really need to print
this? Why not save instead? Or just take a snap
shot of the section you want?
- Be mindful of disclaimer footers (they tend to
spill over into additional pages)
- When given the option, use the Print or Print
friendly button to adjust layout to remove
- Use Print Preview
- Use Page Set up (adjust margins, headers and
- Use HyperSnap to save/print only a portion of
the page (next slide)
- Always ask yourself Do I really need to print
this? Why not save instead? Or just take a snap
shot of the section you want?
- Always ask yourself Do I really need to print
this? Why not save instead? Or just take a snap
shot of the section you want?
- Be mindful of disclaimer footers (they tend to
spill over into additional pages)
- When given the option, use the Print or Print
friendly button to adjust layout to remove
(6) City of Seattle Managing With
Electronic Documents
7Printing Tips Using HyperSnap
- HyperSnap is screen capture program available to
all City employees
- Hypersnap usually is located in a network
application area
- Ask you IT dept if you cannot locate
- To use HyperSnap
- Open HyperSnap program
- The following screen will appear
- Click on Capture Region button (Shortcut CTRL
- Your cursor turns into a crosshairs tool.
Holding down the right mouse button, you can drag
the cross around to highlight the image you need
- Release the right mouse button once you have
selected the area you would like, and then click
on right mouse button a second time.
- Image is now captured and appears in HyperSnap as
a .jpg
Print, Save or email as you see fit!
(7) City of Seattle Managing With
Electronic Documents
8Emails and Printing
- 11,000 approximate number of City of Seattle
employees (regular, part-time and temp)
- If everyone prints just one email a day
- 11,000 sheets x 5 55,000 sheets a week
- 55,000 x 52 weeks 2,860,000 sheets a year
- Thats 5720 reams. This is more paper than the
Legislative Dept., Personnel, and the Dept. of
Neighborhoods combined.
- Bottom-line If everyone can print one less page
per day, the City will save nearly 3 million
sheets thats more than 1.5 Space Needles! (953
ft. to be exact)
(8) City of Seattle Managing With
Electronic Documents
9Printing Best Practices
- Ask yourself if you really need it. Can you just
keep/make an electronic copy?
- Ask colleagues to email or post on website
- Adjust margins and fonts to reduce the number of
pages in your documents
- Proofread and preview documents before you send
to printer
- Before making several copies of one document, do
a one-copy test run
- Print on both sides (duplex)
(9) City of Seattle Managing With
Electronic Documents
10Cat Herding
- Just like it is possible to herd cats, it is
also possible to manage electronic information!
(10) City of Seattle Managing With
Electronic Documents
11Thank you!
- Questions?
- Useful City of Seattle Websites
- http//www.seattle.gov/papercuts/
- http//inweb/clerk/RecordsManagement/
- http//inweb/technology/employee_services/elearnin
- http//inweb/personnel/training/materials.asp
- http//sclweb/training/ City Light
- http//dpdwinw113/dpdweb/HR/Home/index.htm DPD
- http//spuweb/HRTraining/default.htm SPU
- http//inweb/sdot/hr/training.htm SDOT
(11) City of Seattle Managing With
Electronic Documents