Title: Ohios
1- Ohios
- PK-16 Teacher Technology Framework
2PK-16 Teacher Technology Framework An Overview
- Consistent with NCATE Performance Standards
- Aligns with ISTE NETS for Teachers
- Focuses on new Academic Content Standards
- Designed to meet needs of both pre-service and
in-service teachers
- Acknowledges the emergence and development of
new technologies
3Who Developed PK-16 Framework?
School Districts
- PK-16 Framework for Technology
- Professional Development
Ed-Tech Agencies
State and Private Colleges with Ed Schools
4What Is TIPs?
- TIPs is the PK-12 focus within the new Ohio
PK-16 Technology Framework for Teacher
Professional Development
PK-16 Teacher Technology Framework
5Design and Goals
- Developed by educators, for educators
- Cultivate sustained educational technology
professional development efforts
- Uses lessons learned from Novice/Practitioner
- Customizable to meet the needs of the district,
the students, and the educator
6How Is the Framework Used?
- The PK-16 Framework is used to create modules. A
module is a course designed to teach teachers how
to best use and integrate technology into the
7Modular Approach
- There are two types of modules skill and
8Modular Approach
- The Scholar level of TIPs will be developed
later in 2003.
9Framework Components
- Similar to a Lesson Planning template, the
Framework contains different components that are
used to develop Skill and Integration Modules.
10Integration Framework Components
Academic Content Standards
Pre and Post Assessment
ISTE Standards
Activities, Tasks Assignments
Exemplary lesson plan for demonstration
Classroom Extensions
Professional Extensions
Development of lesson plan by participant
11- ISTE NETS for Teachers are built-in to the
12Skill Modules
Skill Modules provide the acquisition of
requisite technical skills so that teachers can
utilize technology effectively and strategically.
13Example Skill Modules
14Integration Modules
- Integration modules are content and grade
specific. They emphasize the strategic alignment
of academic content standards and help teachers
develop lessons that meet district and teacher
15Sample Integration Modules
16How Can Districts Use Modules?
- Districts, schools and other agencies may
- Use prepared modules
- Develop modules using the Integration Module
Framework based on the needs of the educators
within the district
17District Needs Determine Teacher Professional
Technology Integration Modules
Elementary Mathematics
District Need Early Childhood Mathematic
Technology Integration Skill Modules
Using the Internet in the Classroom
Electronic Resources
Computer Assisted Instruction
Handheld Computing
18Online Module Tool
- Technology Module Framework Tool (TMF)
- Online Repository of Developed Modules
- Links to module location
- Searchable by
- Grade level
- Skill or content area
- Technology
- Will be released soon
19What is the Scholar Level?
- Still being defined
- Present thinking includes
- Research component
- Contribution to community of practice
- Mentoring
- Research-based
- Providing best practices
- Providing mentoring
- Conducting action research
- Needs--based
- Individual/Small Groups
- Learning technology skills
- Grouped by difficulty levels
- Needs-based
- Academic Content Standards-based
- Help teachers develop lessons
21For More Information
Sandy Paxton Assistant Director of Instructional
Integration paxton_at_osn.state.oh.us 800.644.6761
Or Simon Buehrer buehrer_at_osn.state.oh.us 419