Title: International Collaborations in Logistical Networking
1International Collaborations in Logistical
- Micah Beck and Terry Moore
- Internet2 Member MeetingApril 10, 2003
2Logistical Networking Research
- LoCI Lab, including
- T. Moore
- A. Bassi
- Funding
- Dept. of Energy SciDAC
- National Science Foundation ANIR
- UT Center for Info Technology Research
- University of Tennessee
- Micah Beck
- James S. Plank
- Jack Dongarra
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- Rich Wolski
3What is Logistical Networking?
- A scalable mechanism for deploying shared storage
resources throughout the network - An general store-and-forward overlay networking
infrastructure - A way to break long transfers into segments and
employ heterogeneous network technologies - P2P storage and content delivery that doesnt use
endpoint storage or bandwidth
4Why Logistical Networking
- Analogy to logistics in distribution of
industrial and military personnel materiel - Fast highways alone are not enough
- Goods are also stored in warehouses for transfer
or local distribution - Fast networks alone are not enough
- Data must be stored in buffers/files for transfer
or local distribution - Conventional vs logistical networking
- Datagram routers make spatial choices
- Storage depots enable temporal choices
5Network Storage Stack
- Model network storage architecture on the IP
stack - Each level encapsulates details from the lower
levels, while exposing details to higher levels - Layers already in place IBP, exNode, L-Bone,
Logistical Runtime System
6IBP The Internet Backplane Protocol
- Storage provisioned on community depots
- Very primitive service (similar to block service,
but more sharable) - Goal is to be a common platform (exposed)
- Also part of end-to-end design
- Best effort service no heroic measures
- Availability, reliability, security, performance
- Allocations are time-limited!
- Leases are respected, can be renewed
- Permanent storage is to strong to share!
7exNode vs inode
IBP Allocations
- Metadata container for aggregating storage
resources - Encoded as XML for network interoperability
8exNode Lbone LoRS Download
9 The Current L-Bone
160 depots, 16 countries, 26 US states, 10TB
10Logistical Networking Application Areas
- Multimedia
- Temporary storage
- Reducing (BW?delay)
- Reliable multicast
- Content Distribution
- Remote access to structured data
- Heterogeneous networks
- Managing computation state
- Very large data sets
- Bandwidth adaption
- Source routing
- Collaborative computing visualization
11Planet Lab
- Global overlay network for developing and
accessing new network services - Seeded by Intel Research, currently 96 sites
- IBP depots are running on them all and account
for a lot of the use of PlantLab
- Home base of LoCI Europe (Alex Bassi)
- Tamanoir HP networking project (INRIA ENS)-
- Using IBP for local data caching
- IBP Service deployed node start up
- Focus Multimedia data distribution (semantic and
active cache, stream adaptation, data placement) - Leaders Laurent Lefevre (ENS)
- IBCP (Institute for Biology and Protein
Chemistry) Distribution of genome data
13E-Toile project
- A computational Grid of several University,
Research and Industrial sites in France - 7 participating sites, 4 of which will have IBP
depot facilities at the beginning of the project - Depots are have arrived. Each will be a dedicated
machine (e.g. the ENS at Lyon one will be a Sun
with 1.3 Tb storage available)
14E-Toile Grid Architecture
15CERN DataTag project
- DataTag project High performance Grid
infrastructure for sustained, reliable, high
performance data movement replication - Minimum of 100Mbps in the early stages
- European Collaborators CERN, INFN, INRIA,
University of Amsterdam - VLAN via STARLIGHT with 10GigE interface to
Abilene - Recently installed an IBP depot with 2.5Gbps
connection to Chicago
- GARR Italian Academic Research Network
- Collaborator in the International 6Bone project
- Coming up in the next few weeks 3 dedicated
servers to be put on the PoPs (each one around
140 Gb for the beginning). - Gabriella Paolini
- Universita del Piemonte Orientale
- Depots at UPO, Surfnet, Tennessee
- Cosimo Anglino Data Transfer Scheduling
17Initial GARR depot locations
18Other projects
- Univ. of San Paulo
- Research to enhance app performance on Brazillian
research networks (Dr. Sergio Kofuji, Flavio
Silva) - University of Puerto Rico
- Biomedical Research Infrastructure Networks in
Puerto Rico (BRIN-BR) (Guy Cormier)
- Nanyang Technological Univ. (Singapore)
- Grid Replica Catalogue over IBP (Dr. Francis Lee
Ming Tang) - Thailand
- Putchong Uthayopas of Kasetsart University
- Australian National U.
- Content distribution (Markus Buckhorn)
19International Project Futures
- Proposals in development for the European
commission - Active Grid Networks (AGridNet)
- Programmable Grid infrastructure focused more on
research applications - Polymorphic Internet
- Large public/private consortium led by Alex
Gallis (University of London) - Programmable cyberinfrastructure focused on
commercial applications
20Conclusion Join Us!
- As a user
- Open infrastructure
- Tools are free and easy to use
- As a provider
- Storage is cheap (lt5k per TB)
- Depots are easy to deploy
- Server many application communities at once
- More information and software available at