Title: Credit Society Software - Pixyrs Softech
1Pixyrs Softech Research Pvt Ltd
ISO 90012015 Certified Co.
2About Us
Pixyrs Softech is an ISO 9001 2015 certified
Web, Software, iPhone, Mobile and API Development
Company in India, it has offices in India, UK and
headquarter positioned in Jaipur, India. We have
a great team of more than 30 highly
professional, skilled and fully experienced team
members in Pixyrs.
Pixyrs Softech lies in its outstanding model of
Clients project management that aid us to
provide the most convoluted, advanced web,
android, mobile and iPhone app development
solutions. Client happiness is our prime focus
and to attain this we use newest and advanced
technology, smart organization skills to ensure
in time delivery.
3Credit Society Software
Pixyrs Softech is a .NET based centralized
database build up for Credit Societies with core
banking operations such as Daily Deposit Schemes,
Fixed Deposit, Monthly Income Schemes, Loan to
Customers, Dividend declarations, Recurring
Deposits, etc. Pixyrs manages all the Members
details. Pixyrs manages all types of accounts
such as Current A/c, Saving A/c, RD A/c, FD A/c,
DDS A/c. Pixyrs manages all management of Pass
book, Cheque book and Bond. Pixyrs has included
General Accounting Module with Journal Entries,
Balance Sheet Cash-Bank Book, General Ledgers,
Day Book, Trial Balance, Profit and Loss
Statement, Fix Deposit, etc. Fully protected
database with function based protection
4Credit Society Software - Services
- Credit Society Software
- Cooperative Society Software
- Nidhi Company Software
- Multi State Credit Society Software
- Agro Producer Credit Society Software
- RD FD MIS Software
- Mutual Benefit Software
- Finance Management Software
- Core Banking Software Solution
- Society Management Software
5Credit Society Software - Modules
- RD, FD, MIS, DD, MIP, Other Special Plans
- Advance Level Dynamic Settings
- Branch Management
- Members Management
- Agent Management
- Accounts Management with Transactions
- Deposit Management with Transactions
- Customer Management
- Pending Management
- Printing Management
- Payout and Commissions
- Utilities
- SMS Management with Integration
- Email Management with Integration
- Financial Accounting Management
- Saving Account Management
- Loan Management System
- Payroll Management
6Credit Society Software Basic Package
- Agent Management
- Accounts Management with
- Transactions
- Customer Management
- Pending Management
- Printing Management
- Payout and Commissions
- Utilities - Basic
- One Domain Name Registration
- Shared Windows Hosting 2GB
- RD-FD-MIS Plans only
- Basic Level Settings
- No of Branches - 3
- Branch Management
- Members Management
7Credit Society Software Advance Package
- Agent Management
- Accounts Management with Transactions
- Customer Management
- Pending Management
- Printing Management
- Payout and Commissions
- Utilities - Advance
- One Domain Name Registration
- Shared Windows Hosting 5GB
- RD-FD-MIS-Daily-MIP Plans
- Advance Level Settings
- No of Branches - 8
- Branch Management
- Members Management
8Credit Society Software Corporate Package
- Agent Management
- Accounts Management with Transactions
- Customer Management
- Pendings Management
- Printing Management
- Payout and Commissions
- Utilities - Corporate
- One Domain Name Registration
- Shared SSD Windows Hosting 5GB
- RD-FD-MIS-Daily-MIP Plans -
- Special plans
- All Settings
- No of Branches - unlimited
- Branch Management
- Members Management
9Credit Society Software Advantages
- 3-Tier Architecture works
- Captcha Code Security and OTP (one time password)
- Customized Modules accessibility
- Any recompense Plan possible
- Domain specialty Expertise
- User Friendly and mobile Friendly
- Fast upgrades are probable
- Easy Software Maintenance
- Pixyrs Name Effect Creating Brand
- Information and Data Security improvement
- Support Multi-Language and Multi - Currency
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