To choose the best Operating System from the collection of Operating System can be a bit confusing. You might prefer a device but not the OS that the device runs on. Or the other ways round you are extremely comfortable with the Operating System but the devices that support the OS do not appeal you.
The selection is hard but you will be much sorted if you are aware of all the special attributes of the device and operating systems, so that you get what you require and what you want.
3 Android
Android It is actually a sweet practice of Android to name the versions after sweets or desserts. That is how we get the name as Cupcake, Donut, Éclair, Froyo, Gingerbread, Honeycomb, Ice-cream Sandwich, Jelly Bean, Kitkat, Lollipop, Marshmellow, Nougat and now Oreo. However, it started with Astro and then Bender. Each version that they launch are much improved and refined with addition of new features to completely blow of your mind.
Android is filled with features and that makes it an amazing platform for various inventions and discoveries on the platforms. It is an open platform with an easy and convenient user base, as a result even if developing apps takes a little more time than developing apps for iOS, Android Apps Development Companies in Bangalore and all over the world have tremendous expectation from the powerful OS.
4 iOS
iOS iOS introduced its first iPhone 29th June 2007. Apple concentrates on its unique functionalities and they have not expanded their operation to other device manufacturers. The basic appearance of iOS remains same since its first appearance. iOS is well known for its user-friendly features as a result the iOS App Developers in India and across the world always have something innovative to develop for this platform.
The process of iOS App Development in Bangalore and around the world is a real treat because of the easy and convenient user base. It takes very less time to develop the most compelling mobile apps for iOS as compared to Android. Currently with introduction of iPhone X, the possibilities of iOS have moved beyond our expectations and have opened several avenues for us.
5 Design
Brill Mindz Technologies have all the necessary skills and knowledge which help us to be the most technologically advanced mobile app development company in India and Bangalore. We have the most ardent and challenging team of Mobile App Developers in Bangalore. We have years of experience to craft the most powerful mobile apps for your business growth. We have developed mobile apps for various industries that make us the most versatile Mobile App Development Company in Bangalore. Our ability to development mobile apps with recent tools and technologies makes us different from other Mobile App Development Companies in Bangalore. Our keen understanding of special attributes of all these platforms makes us the comprehensive Mobile App Development Company in India.