Title: Ayurvedic Medicine For Skin- SmartBird
2Ayurvedic Medicine For Skin Care
- Having a clean, lustrous and attractive skin is
the vision of many people and aim of many
youngsters. But, hereditary factors, pollutants,
hormones have their say in this matter. People
are more reliant on on the cosmetics, most of
which are more dangerous than helpful. Many
comprise adverse constituents and others
carcinogenic. So, there is an instantaneous
essential of safe and effective, natural herbal
appearance accompaniments. Naturally fresh and
healthy skin is shield of body and a thing of
beauty. Ayurveda is the correct treatment for
such problems.
3- Ayurvedic Medicine for Skin improves general skin
health sooth and treat eczema, dermatitis,
psoriasis and other itchy and dry skin
conditions increase collagen production help
with wound healing.
4Main Ingredients In Ayurvedic Skin Care Products
- Chibhita (Carica papaya)
- Manjishta (Rubia cordifolia)
- Neem (Azadrahta indica)
5How Ayurvedic Ingredients In Skincare Products
Rejuvenates You?
- The healthy and beautiful skin is the need of
every individual today. For maintaining the
healthy glow of your skin, many uses really
expensive creams and what not, but rather making
your skin healthy, these might damage it. So, it
is better to choose fine quality ayurvedic
products for having a beautiful skin, which are
cost - effective and deliver best results.
- Website- www.mysmartbird.in
- Address- Unit 304, DLF Towers A, Jasola, New
Delhi 110025, India - Contact- 91-11-48684444