Title: CS 330 Class 4
1CS 330 Class 4
- Programming plan for 9/17/2007
- Flanagan Ch 15, 17, 18
- Goal play with enough examples using the
Document object to understand the - possibilities and approach
- Debugging
- javascript essential
- experts-exchange even better
- Confession
215 Scripting Documents
- Motivation be able to access the elements in an
HTML page - e.g. popup a list of all the links in a separate
widow - go to (crawl) every page linked from a given page
- Document object
- the window
- Document content
- a bunch of objects (tables, forms, links,...)
- standard for representing a document and
accessing and manipulating various elements - an API that defines this structure
- used in HTML and XML
- elements are viewed as a tree which may be
315.3 Legacy DOM
- Naming
- user-defined identifiers attached to individual
elements name "..." - built-in definitions for each element e.g.
forms0, forms1... - Example 15-1 (15-1.js, 15-1.htm)
- the names of anchors are extracted from the
current document - the pieces of HTML are concatenated
- the anchor is written to a new window
- Example listing links in a separate window names
of the links are extracted from the current
document and written to a new window - Image rotation 1, 2
415.4 Overview of the W3C DOM
Documents are represented as trees -
Nodes have properties that
can be -
accessed and/or
Figure 15-1. The tree representation of an HTML
document Copied from JavaScript by Flanagan.
5lthtmlgt //document.childNodes0
ltheadgt //document.childNodes0.ch
ildNodes0 lttitlegt
0 The Titlelt/titlegtltbodygt
h1gt //document.childNodes0.childNodes1.
childnodes0ltform name"theForm"gt
1 ltinput type"text" name"theName"gt
// document.childNodes0.childNodes1.ch
Alternately, nodes have a parent
theName.parentNode //theForm
6W3C DOM Examples
- Event handlers on document objects (loan.htm)
- Dropdown menus with rollovers in ccs
- uses getElementByID
- Change contents in lth1gt tags (h1_dom.htm)
- uses getElementsByTagName
- headeri.innerHTML "HEADER " i " "
headeri.innerHTML - (reassigns the contents of the header)
- Text
- alphabetize contents of a list
- 15-6 convert lower case content to uppercase
7Chapter 17 Event Handlers
- JavaScript programming model event-driven
- Event
- a document has finished loading, user clicks a
mouse - good list on p. 390
- distinction between semantic (onload) and input
(onchange) - device dependent (onclick) versus independent
(onchange) - Event handler
- code that responds to the event
- Text covers
- original model
- standard model (supported by all but IE)
- IE model
817.1.2 Event Handlers as Attributes17.1.3
Event Handlers as Properties
- Apply function validateform()
- As an attribute in the body
- ltform name "theForm" onsubmit"return
validateform()"gt //attribute - As a property
- in the header (any of the following)
- theForm.onsubmitvalidateform //using the
name - form0.onsubmitvalidateform //using the
position - for (int i0 i lt forms.length i)
//applying to all forms - formsi.onsubmitvalidateform
- in the body
- ltform name "theForm"gt ...
- (works inconsistently, we won't use this)
918 Forms
- A bit repetitive
- read as needed
- table 18-1 a good list of form elements
- Forms an opportunity for user input
- Two aspects to handling form data
- event-handling by the client
- submitting data to a server for processing there
(need a submit button) - The input can be either
- processed by the browser (client-side
event-handler) - sent to the server and processed there
(server-side) - mailed somewhere
10Examples of Form Interaction
- 1. Signing a guest book (guest.htm)
- Output is mailed to cshilepsky_at_wells.edu.
- Sample of what is received
- guestNamefredfink
- guestEmailFred40wells.edu
- guestPwdaaaaaa
- 2. Pizza survey (pizza.htm) interacts with data
saved on the server
11Form Syntax
- The form tag
- ltform (attributes)gt
- (input tags)
- lt/formgt
- form properties
- action what processes the form (usually a URL)
- method the format in which it's data is
submitted (GET or POST) - tag properties
- type (required) button, checkbox, file, image,
hidden, password, radio, reset, select, submit,
text, textarea. - size spaces to allow for the input box
- value an (optional) initial value
- Event handlers (in JavaScript) respond to user
12Goal use JavaScript for Form Verification
- Two options
- verify each element as it is added via onchange
event - verify the entire form as it is submitted to the
server (onsubmit) - How can we identify a valid zip?
- Simple case
- length 5
- all digits
- Examples valid1.htm, valid2.htm
- What about
- phone numbers
- email addresses
- names
- This week use string properties to identify
valid fields - Next week regular expressions for pattern