Title: Autumn Term 08 Hot Potato Session Celebration 2
1Autumn Term 08 Hot Potato Session Celebration
Maror and Chazeret - bitter herbs, typically
horse radish and romaine lettuce. They are to
remind the people of the bitterness of slavery in
Egypt. Charoset - a mix of eg. apple, walnuts,
raisins, cinnamon and honey, made into a pebbly
paste to serve as a reminder of the mortar used
by the Israelite slaves in their work. It can be
eaten by itself or spread on the bread. Karpas -
vegetable other than bitter herbs, usually
parsley, but sometimes celery or potato. The meal
starts off with these vegetables being dipped in
a bowl of salt water - to represent the tears
shed by the oppressed Israelites.
Matzot - Unleavened bread as a reminder of the
unleavened bread eaten by the Israelites on the
evening of leaving Egypt. It's also sometimes
called 'the bread of affliction' or 'poor man's
bread'. Chapatis works fine for this
activity. Z'roa and Beitzah - roast lamb as a
reminder of the Passover lamb sacrificed in the
temple in Jeruasalem, and boiled egg to symbolise
the festival sacrifice that was offered
Remembrance Day Guy Fawkes Night
Commonwealth Day All Saints Day
To remember the people who died in the two world
wars, 11 November
To celebrate the foiling of the plan to blow up
parliament by some roman Catholics, including,
Guy Fawkes in 1605, 5 November
To celebrate the Commonwealth of Nations, 2nd
Monday in March
To remember loved ones who has passed away, 1
May Day St George's Day D-Day
Pancake Day
A celebration of the social and economic
achievements of the International Labour
Movement, 1st of May bank holiday on first
Monday in May
England's National Day, St George being its
patron saint, 23 April
Commemorating the landing in Normandy of allied
troupes during the 2nd World War, 6 June
The last day before Lent (fasting) to use up
food in the cupboards, forty days (not including
Sundays) before Easter
6The Big Picture
What celebration is this passage
about? What is to be celebrated / remembered?