Title: Anti pollution Facemasks Kids Stereo
2BEATCLOUDS N95 PM 2.5 anti pollution facemasks
are an effective and fashionable way to fight the
daily air pollution to help reducing the risk of
respiratory, cardiovascular or neurological
disorders. Wearing a BEATCLOUDS anti pollution
facemask is able to help reducing the amount of
unhealthy air particles entering your body,
generally but not exclusively referred to as PM
3BEATCLOUDS anti pollution face masks are
designed to provide you with every comfort
possible, yet protecting you from inhaling
unhealthy particulate matters. The facemasks are
coming with various designs to match everyones
taste and style, and are superiorly manufactured
to ensure a longlasting protection for your
health. Each BEATCLOUDS N95 PM 2.5 anti
pollution facemasks bought, comes with 2
exchangeable PM 2.5 filters.
4The replacable filter is certified by the
Guangdong Detection Center of Microbiology for GB
2626-2006, and meets the N95 standard.
5Particulate matter (or PM) is a complex mixture
of tiny particles that consists of dry solid
fragments, solid cores with liquid coatings, and
small droplets of liquid. These particles vary
greatly in shape, size and chemical composition,
and can be made up of many different materials
such as metals, soot, soil, and dust. PM10 is
particulate matter 10 micrometers or less in
diameter, PM2.5 is particulate matter 2.5
micrometers or less in diameter, or also called
fine particulates.
6Secondary particles are formed in the air through
chemical reactions of gaseous pollutants. They
are products of atmospheric transformation of
nitrogen oxides (mainly emitted by traffic and
some industrial processes) and sulfur dioxide
resulting from the combustion of
sulfur-containing fuels. Secondary particles are
mostly found in fine PM.
7Contact us
ADDRESS - Paigah Housing Colony, Plot No. 21,
SP Road, Secunderabad, Telangana, 500003,
India Hyderabad, 500075, INDIA Contact
91-73311-72331 / 91-99853-57557 Email
Los Santos Compound, 818 Bugac Ma-a, Davao City,
8000, Philippines Email info_at_beatclouds.com Cont
act number 41-79-671-6954
SWITZERLAND Address Schulhausstrasse
14, 6370 Oberdorf (NW) Email info_at_beatclouds.com
Contact number 41-79-671-6954
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