Title: Compare and Contrast
1Compare and Contrast
- Old and New World slipper orchids
- Ellen Kennedy, JFK Middle School
2Paphiopedilum is the genus name of strictly old
world slipper
As a general rule of thumb, paphs are from
Greater Asia, bear a single blossom, and have dar
k green and/or mottled foliage.
Of course there are exceptions to every rule.
Some species And many hybrids demonstrate a multi
floral habit.
Most paphs include a wide variety of spots,
hairs, and
Other bits to attract pollinators.
3Phragmipediums primarily inhabit the New World,
tend towards reds, purples, and pinks, are multif
loral sequential bloomers, and
have pale green foliage- lots and lots of foliage.
4Cypripediums are the familiar North American
Lady Slipper and its immediate cousins. These a
re single Bloomers, that bloom yellow to pink. T
hey have an intermediate foliage.
5What do they have in common?
- A modified arrangement of petals and sepals
creating a
- bucket or pouch.
- Extravagant colors and patterns to attract
- A slippery edge so that the pollinator falls in
and can
- only escape by climbing up the back wall.
- Pollinia that is arranged to attach to the
- pollinator as it struggles to escape out the back.
- Many are terrestrial and prefer a strongly acidic
- Virtually all have been eliminated from their
- environment either by collection or development.
6What makes them Different?
- The arrangement of petals and sepals varies
- and is largely based on specific pollinators.
- Old World orchids rarely come in red or purple,
- and New World orchids rarely come in green.
- New World orchids tend to have bee and moth
- pollinators, while Old World orchids may be
- pollinated by flies.
- New World orchids are more likely to be
- The Asian species periodically appear as
- Or even as epiphytes.
7 8Slipper orchids make an excellent plant for a
novice grower as they are difficult to over-water
- unlike most other orchids- and they prefer low
light conditions.
The petals are often long and twisted.
9Some of them are huge and are named for famous
folks. This
is Paph. Winston Churchill.
Modified sepal acts as rain shield.
Pouch or bucket.
10Some are tiny and are named for their color.
This is Phrag.
Andean Fire.