Title: Fourth Grade
1First Garden
- Fourth Grade
- Hstone_at_gac.edu
- Hollie Stone
Image retrieved from http//www.xmission.com/tss
photo/mom/flower_r.jpg on 1/17/06
2 What Can I Grow in a Garden?
Image Retrieved From http//www.mooresvillefirstp
res.org/images/veggies.jpg on 1/18/06
Image Retrrieved From http//www.bigfoto.com/them
es/nature/flowers/red-yellow-flowers-kq.jpg on
Image Retrieved From http//www.tropicalisland.de
20Temple20b.jpg on 1/17/06
Image Retrieved From http//www.therawvegannetwor
k.com/FayeHunt/Assorted20Veggies201.jpg on
- Every garden needs tools to make the plants and
flowers grow! Here are a list of tools that a
garden will need
Images Retrieved from
als/tools.html on 1/17/06
- Every seed is different. Everything you need to
know to be successful is right there on the
packet. All you need to do is read and follow
the instructions. What do all these things mean
and are they important? You bet! Let's take a
look at what all this stuff means.
Image Retieved from http//www.urbanext.uiuc.edu/
firstgarden/fundamentals/seeds.html on 1/17/06
5Measuring Techniques
Images retrieved From http//www.northernsupply.c
om/images/Measuring20tape.jpg on 1/17/06
- You dont always need a ruler or tape measurer to
measure distances. - Our hands and feet are useful for measuring in
the garden. - Because each of us are different, find out how
your fingers and feet compare to numbers on a
ruler! - Click on the website below and find out your
measurements with a partner. - Record your information here RECORD
- http//www.urbanext.uiuc.edu/firstgarden/fundament
Image Retreived From http//www.optimum-learning.
ltd.uk/images/ruler.gif on 1/17/06
6Where Do I Plant?
Image retreived from http//www.thefunnypage.com/
sunshine/sunshine.gif on 1/17/06
- Plants need sunshine to grow the best and to give
you the best vegetables and flowers. This is why
picking a nice, sunny garden spot is so
important. - What if your yard is really shady and has limited
sun? Not to worry. There are plants you can grow
that do well in the shade. - Examples lettuce, Swiss chard, collards,
spinach, mustard, impatiens, begonias, and
Image retrieved from http//www.urbanext.uiuc.edu
/firstgarden/basics/dirt_05.html on 1/17/06
- Good soil is really important for growing a great
garden - Garden soil has some real important parts
- minerals
- organic matter (rotting plant and animal parts)
- air spaces
- Water
- If these things are not in the right balance you
might have soil that is too clay, too sandy, too
dry, too wet, or too hard. - Worms are good for the soil!
- Click on the word WORMS to color
- the worm different colors!
Image retrieved from http//www.urbanext.uiuc.edu
/firstgarden/basics/dirt_04.html on 1/17/06
Image Retrieved from http//www.urbanext.uiuc.edu
/worms/live/index.html on 1/17/06
8- Plants need water to live and to grow
- It helps plants move nutrients through the stems
and leaves and helps to keep the plant cool. - Most gardens like to have about one inch of rain
every week. Some weeks you may get a lot more
than one inch and some weeks you get way less. - For the weeks when it is dry,
- you will need to water your garden
- There are a number of things to use to
- water the garden. A hand sprinkler is good,
- but you need to stand by the garden for a
- while in order to do a good job. If you get
- bored or impatient you may not do a good
- job.
- Lawn sprinklers or soaker hoses are great,
- because they add water to the garden very
- slowly for a nice, deep soaking.
Image retrieved from http//www.urbanext.uiuc.edu
/firstgarden/basics/thirsty_03.html on 1/17/06
- Plants need a complete balanced mix of three main
nutrients nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium.
These are called Fertilizers. - Nitrogen is used by plants for lots of leaf
growth and good green color. - Phosphorous is used by plants to help form new
roots, make seeds, fruit and flowers. It's also
used by plants to help fight disease. - Potassium helps plants make strong stems and keep
growing fast. It's also used to help fight
Image retrieved from http//www.urbanext.uiuc.edu
/firstgarden/basics/feedme_03.html on 1/17/06
10 Watch Them Grow
After everything is planted, watered, and feed,
you can watch the flowers, plants, or veggies
grow! Make sure to continue to water and feed
the garden to keep the garden healthy! Great
Job learning about making a garden!
Image Retrieved From http//upload.wikimedia.org/
France.jpg on 1/18/06
- http//www.urbanext.uiuc.edu/firstgarden/index.htm
l - http//www.urbanext.uiuc.edu/worms/live/index.html