As an old proverb says You get what you pay for, it becomes very important for a person to know what to look for to get the most out of his investment. When it comes to buying technology that too a digital dental X-Ray equipment, the need for this expertise doubles. Dentists, who are using the traditional methods, find it difficult to access the need for the new technology and therefore, often delays to purchase the right equipment. They often get trapped into price and value matrix. Eventually, it is the value that they should measure the performance upon.
For any such investment, it makes sense to go with the very best. At first, it is always important to understand why one should switch to the digital technology. Once this is clear, rest automatically falls into place. Lets discuss the basic parameters which a dentist must consider while purchasing the digital X-Ray equipment.
4 Image Quality
The first the foremost must be the quality of the image produced by the digital X-Ray imaging sensors. No doubt, during the sales pitch every equipment produces brilliant images, they should produce same images after installation as well. Make sure you go for the live demonstration in your clinic. That way you can check the image quality under the conditions where that digital sensor would work. It will also help other support staff of your clinic to get the first-hand experience and the technical know-how.
5 Price Vs Value
The third aspect is the value you are promised against the price you are paying. Once you have accessed above two aspects, now negotiate for the best price you can get for the equipment. Be clear in terms of the number of sensors, installation charges, and training and warranty aspects.
6 Ease of Operation
The last but the most important aspect is ease of handling the machinery. The core purpose of the digital X-Ray sensors is to bring in the ease aspect into the system. Dentists can easily get the panoramic image of the upper and lower jaws, should be able to diagnose the problem easily and can keep the record of all the treatments by just a click of a button. Before getting your digital sensor installed, make sure you have gone through all the procedural steps and are at ease of operations.
Though the digital imaging market in India is still in its nascent phase, the penetration and expansion are happening at a very high rate. More and more dentists are shifting to the digital dental imaging systems. Though there are several companies operating in this market, only a few of them stand on the aforesaid parameters. Companies like Vatech India, which has been pioneering the digital wave in India for quite some time now, do offer one of the best after-sale services and their digital sensors and quite handy and easy to operate. One of the best features of their product is that you can keep a record of every treatment into your mobile. Vatechs digital dental sensors can easily be connected to mobiles and PCs. Vatech India offers 2D and 3D digital sensors as well. The latest scheme from the company says that you buy 2D Unit today and have offered to get replaced by 3D CBCT Unt in the year 2020 with a buyback value up to Rs 5 lakh.
The dentists in India are fast shifting to the digital technology. This paradigm shift is good for the patients and for the dentists to be more accurate in their treatment. It is therefore very important to deal with recognized companies only. After all, it is a matter of long-term relations, devote some time and take out the best of the prepositions that suit your requirement.