Title: Oakton Health Center PPT (1)
1Oakton Health Center
- Immigration Medical Exam Chicago
2Oakton Health Center
- Medical Examination for Green Card Form i-693
Medical Exam and USCIS Medical
- Oaktonhealthcenter.com providing Immigration
Physicians for Medical Examination for Green Card
from certified USCIS Civil Surgeon along with 10
discount coupon. Call us at 847-329-0470.
- Individual who are interested required to give
Medical Examination for Immigration and for
further inquiries such that Civil Surgeon Medical
Exam Fee can call us at 847-329-0470.
3Immigration Medical Exam
The US Immigration Medical Exam is an obligatory
therapeutic Form I-693 medical exam required for
green card candidates or for the individuals who
are looking for change of their status to that of
perpetual living arrangement in the U.S. counting
those looking for haven. It is likewise required
for certain non immigrant visas. In the U.S., it
is led by a USCIS affirmed common specialist
while outside the U.S. an Immigration Physicians
certified by USCIS Medical.
4Full Spectre Treatment
5We Care About Every Client
Oakton Health Centre provides full health check
up through professional Immigration Physicians
certified by USCIS Medical and conducting
Immigration Medical Exam. We care for every
individual and committed to provide best
treatment by USCIS Civil Surgeon which is most
vital part of our practice.
6Playful Pediatric Care
7Other Health Services We Offer
When you are suffering from an unexpected illness
or injury, or when you simply require general
medical attention, we are the provider you need.
Our professional team of board-certified
physicians, nurses and technicians is equipped to
handle a comprehensive range of urgent medical
conditions and injuries, routine illnesses, and
general medical services.
- Family Medicine
- Internal Medicine
- Women's Health
- Pediatrics Medicine
- Geriatrics
- Psychiatry Services
- Immigration Medical Exam
8Contact Us
- 4860 Oakton St,
- Skokie, IL 60077
- Ph 847-329-0470
Email info_at_OaktonHealthCenter.com - Fx 847-329-0472
Website http//www.oaktonhealthcenter.com/
Beatrisa Paz Averbuch, MD Board Certified Family
Medicine Doctor
Yury Shapiro, MD Board Certified Internal
Medicine Doctor
Victor E. Nutenko, MD Board Certified
Karolina Lewandovska, FNP Family Medicine