Title: Panda Cash Back: Macy'c Super Sales with Super Deals
1Macys Super Sale Weekend 3/6 3/8
Super Sales with Super Deals
2I missed my communication from Macys last week
regarding the sale. Today, I felt like eating
Indian Food, after a heavy meal in an Indian
Cuisine, I decided to do the wise thing and go
for a walk in the Mall ( since the weather is
still cold here in Michigan ). I decided to start
my trip in Macys since they got a starbucks
inside, and a hot cup of joey is always on the
top of my list. While I am walking through Macys
I realized they are having a big sale for the
weekend. Their sales goes between 50 70 on
many categories.
3Michael Kors and Ralph Lauren Suits were as cheap
as 199 each after the 65 discount. Belts for
19.99 and Jackets for as cheap as 99, and
Winter and summer Pants from varies brand names
for less than 40 each. Price that you would
dont get probably in an outlet.
Michael Kors
Ralph Lauren
4The sale started Friday and it will continue
until the End of Sunday both online and in store.
I have visited more than one branch yesterday and
I am planning to continue shopping online today.
Macys Deal is even better with 10 off 25 or
15 Off.
5Macys current super sale, probably one of the
best sales that Macys had in a while. I visited
Macys few time through the Holidays period
including Black Friday and After Christmas sale,
none of them had such a great deals. The reason
behind these crazy prices might be the timing,
most of retailers are trying to get rid of their
inventory prior to the new season. So, if you
felt you need to be more prepared next year for
the winter, I would suggest to start getting
prepared right about now.
Panda CashBack doubled the rebate for Macys
store over the weekend to super charge this super
sale to 3 cash back Macys CashBack