Title: Braided flexible Copper wires
2Braided flexible copper wires are made up of
small individual strands of wire that are braided
together. They are similar in appearance to
stranded wires except that they are more
efficient as electrical conductors.
3Number of Wire Strands
In a braided flexible copper wire, the number of
wire strands will significantly impact its
flexibility, break-resistance, strength and
kink-resistance. Generally, the higher the
better. However, this also increases
manufacturing costs and complexity.
4For geometrical purposes, the minimum number of
wire strands must be 7. There is one strand in
the middle and the remaining six surround it. The
next layer onto is 19. This means another 12
individual wire strands will envelop the 7
present. After 19, the number may vary. However
the use of 37 or 49 is also common. The number of
wires can go further beyond 100 resulting in
massive sized cables.
5Braided Flexible Copper Wires Applications
In applications where the wire might move, 19 is
the recommended number of wires. In cases where
the wires must remain immobile, 7 is preferred.
Where there is constant, repetitive movement such
as in robotics 70 to 100 wires are mandatory. In
applications where immense flexibility is
required, such as welding cables, the strand
count rises. Braided Copper wire for this
particular use might require a 2/0 wire that is
made from 5,292 wire strands!
6If you require braided flexible copper wires for
your business, get in touch with us at Ganpati
Engineering. We also supply a wide range of
copper products such as copper pipes, laminated
flexible copper and bare copper wire.
7Get In Touch
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