Title: Netra Tarpana Ayurvedic Treatment
1Netra Tarpana Ayurvedic Treatment
2(No Transcript)
- 1.What Is Netra Tarpan?
- 2. Indication
- 3. How does it works?
- 4.What to expect?
- 5. Netra Tarpana Benefits
4Netra Tarpana Ayurvedic Treatment
- Netra Tarpana Ayurvedic Treatment Eye Care
Therapy that reduces eye strain caused due to
stress or regular use of digital devices. - The medicated ghee is poured over the eyelids in
an enclosure built around the eye out of wheat
5- Netra means eye and Tarpan mean giving strength
to the eyes. - Ayurvedic Eyes Rejuvenation.
- Netra Tarpan Treatment is said to be an excellent
treatment to improve vision clarity of the mind.
- 1. Dry eyes syndrome
- 2. Burning in the eyes
- 3. Vata diseases in the eyes
- 4. Curved eyes
- 5. Conjunctivitis
7- 6. Pain in the eyes
- 7. Watering eyes
- 8. Night blindness
- 9. Squinting
- 10. Myopia
- 11. Reduces Dark circles if regularly done
8How does it work?
- Netra Tarpan helps improve vision by providing
local nourishment. - Not recommended in case of Cataract or any
dangerous working conditions.
9What to expect?
- In this treatment, specially prepared luke warm
ghee is retained in the eye socket inside a well
created using black paste or whole wheat flour. - The dough of Urad (black gram) is put around the
eyeball in such a way that a dam like an
appearance is seen.
10- Netra Tarpan Treatment aims to provide optimum
rejuvenation to eyes. - Then herbal healing ghee (clarified butter) is
put into this groove to lubricate the eye and
surrounding areas which will be kept warm for
half n hour. - It provides improved vision with beautiful eyes
and strengthening of eye tissues.
11Netra Tarpana Benefits
- 1) Aids in the improvement of eyes disturbance
and thus this improves the clarity of the mind. - 2) Reduces burning of eyes.
- 3) Improvises blurred vision.
12- 4) Moisturizes the dry eye.
- 5) Clean the eyes by removing dust from the