Title: Get Business Product of HTS Solutions
1HTS Solutions
- HTS Solutions is software development company
which offer various product and services world
2About HTS Solutions
HTS Solutions is one of leading software
development company which located in India.
Company Deals in software development, web
development, mobile application development,
Digital marketing services across the world.
3HTS Products
HTS Solutions has lot of products which are very
beneficial for business world. Some of HTS
Products are given following 1 GetHrm
Software 2Monkeycrm 3Livechat99 4
Hippomail 5Linguee ERP
4Gethrm Software
Gethrm is HR Software which have various HR
function to routine daily routine process of HR
department. Gethrm has full Function within
budget and give effective information for
improving Businesss objective.
Livechat99 is chatting software which provide
communication to websites visitors. It help to
increasing business in real time, valuable
feedback ,connected to his client. It help to
support executive to resolve customers query.
There are some of benefits which are given
Following 1 Real Time Visitor Monitoring 2
Easy Integration. 3 Look and feel
Customization. 4 Writing Alert. 5 Broad Visitor
Monkeycrm provide way to collect customers
feedback for update or modified products or
services. This software is industry-specific and
very helpful for improving business products or
services. It has following feature which are
given following 1 Task management 2 Invoice
generation 3 Account management 4 Client
Hippo-mail is special kind of software which
used to sending multiple email To targeted
audience. It has lot of feature like as bounce
rate,CTR,open rate For successful measurement.
There are following feature of Hippo mail. 1
Flexible Design 2 Powerful automation tool 3
Advance Analysis 4 Contact management 5 HTML
Editor 6 Affordable in price
8Linguee ERP
Linguee ERP Solutions is Software which is
specially designed for make to order, configure
Order, build to order and mixed mode manufacture.
There are various part in ERP Software Solutions
which are given following 1 Admin 2
Account 3 HRMS 4 Inventory 5 CRM 6 Sales
7 Purchase 8 Production 9 Stock
9Contact HTS Solutions
F-307, Sec-63 Noida Uttar Pradesh- 201005
10Thank You