Title: Auto Wrecker Parts Locator
1Earn Money from your Discarded Car through Parts
2Wrecked Car
An auto dismantler will give you a good price for
your wrecked car or sometimes he will give you a
good price for your complete wrecked car.
Moreover, parts locator will also provide you
towing services if you cannot take your car at
our place.
3Engine Blocks
Parts locator also buys non-functional engine
blocks because engine blocks are made up of
Aluminum with steel coating. We can sell Aluminum
and steel as scrap.
4Car Batteries
You should replace your car batteries time to
time for your cars good functional condition.
Moreover, car batteries are easy to recycle. Auto
Wrecker will manufacture new batteries from
discarded cars.
5Catalytic Converters
These are one of the high-value items in a car
because they contain platinum, palladium, and
rhodium. You can easily sell these through parts
locator and get a good price.
6Aluminum Parts
Most of the fabrication of a car is done with
aluminum. So you can easily sell aluminum rims
and other aluminum parts through parts locator.