Title: 5 Tips for Successful Marketing Online
15 Tips for Successful Marketing Online
2Understand the buyer's journey.
In the past we had many different lead offers
using only discounts everything from 20 off to
buy-one-get-one-free. Take a minute to
understand your potential customers decision
chain, and whats most important to them. Once
you do that, you can match the right offer.
3Use Google, and learn how to use it well.
Take a webinar in Google's host of tools, and
make sure to keep up with the rapidly changing
services they offer. Ask fellow CEOs what is
working for them. Google ads, SEO and YouTube
marketing can make or break your online presence.
4Turbo-charge your customer service.
Make sure whoever is answering phones is prepared
to upsell, offer special discounts and incentives
and take orders on the phone. Getting the
customer to call or click is only half the
equation. Take a page out of Zippos' book and
make sure your customer service people understand
your product, understand your customers, and are
a pleasure to talk to.
5Quality vs Quantity Stay focused.
We have had greater success cultivating a smaller
number of people and guiding them through a very
intentional sales funnel, than when we cast a
wide net to people who might not fully align with
our target customer.
We set aside 25 of our marketing budget to try
new things. There are so many new tools, services
and mediums to try. Unless you are strict about
setting budget aside, you can keep doing the same
thing over and over and miss opportunities to
discover new things that could end up seriously
paying off.
75 Tips for Successful Marketing Online
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