2- Open Space is appropriate in situations where
- Major issues must be resolved
- High levels of complexity
- High levels of diversity (in terms of the people
involved) - Presence of potential or actual conflict
- Short decision times
- The more you have of these the better Open Space
works - Harrison Owen
- Open Space Creator
3Net Forward Energy
What We Thinkand What We Say Makes All the
4Two Kinds of Energy, Thoughts, Statements
Positive () Negative (-) Taking
Responsibility Blame Opportunities Problems W
hat We Can Do What We Cant Do Acting Waiti
ng, Wishing Being Proactive Being
Reactive Good Stories Bad Stories Open Jud
5 Net Backward Energy
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
What We Cant Do
What We Can Do
More Negatives Than Positives
Enlightened Leadership
6 Net Forward Energy
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -
More Positives Than Negatives
7The Opportunity
- To address subjects that may not be covered in
detail during the meeting - To make connections with other people who have
similar questions or expertise and to learn from
one another - Obtain clarifications, make offers, requests,
problem solve, present your case study/data - Get lots of real work done in a short amount of
8Based on 3 Premises
- All the answers are in the room
- Everyone participating wants to teach and/or
learn - What may SEEM like chaos is actually meaningful
work taking place
9Two Roles
- Session Leader Volunteer
- Chooses the topic
- Creates a 5 word title
- Creates a space for learning at a flip chart
- Help facilitate the discussion
- Participants In the Open Space
- Listen for a subject of interest
- Vote with your feet and go to the session you
want to join
10(No Transcript)
11(No Transcript)
12Open Space Topic Samples
- Implementing Best Practices
- Partnering on Autism Topics
- Developing Communities of Practice
- Critical Partners for Growing MCH Training
- Assessing MCH Leadership Competencies
- Strategies for Dealing with Flat Funding
- Tools Strategies for Adult Learning
13What You Should Know
- Whoever comes are the right people
- Whatever happens is the only thing that could
have - Whenever it starts is the right time
- Whenever it is over, it is over
- -Harrison Owen, Open Space Creator
14What You Should Practice
- The Law of Motion
- If you are neither learning or contributing
move onto the next subject of interest
15Final Product
- Top 2-3 Take Home Messages and/or actions that
occurred as a result of the Open Space Session
16In 5 minutes decide
- What information do I have that everyone should
know about? - What information/relationships do I need to
ensure my success?
17Session Leaders
- Come up to the front
- Shout out your session title
- Go immediately to a flip chart with the
corresponding number - Conduct the session
- End of Your Session Write down Top 2-3 Take Home
Messages and/or actions that occurred - Someone be ready to give a 60 second report out
18Report Out!
- The information gained/issue discussed
- Top 2-3 Take-a-ways
- Will you continue the discussion?