Title: Free online Ayurveda consultation (1)
1Welcome To Ayurveda Consult
2- Free online Ayurveda consultation
Dr. Mukesh Bhatia, An Ayurvedic practitioner,
practicing at Dr. Bhatia Ayurveda more than 15
years has the specializing in Sexual
dysfunctions, Respiratory disorders,
Gastro-intestinal disorders, Nervous
dysfunctions, Spine problems, Cardiac diseases as
well as Skin problems. With Ayurveda, you can get
rid of diseases only one thing, you must have and
that is patience. We are here to provide Free
online Ayurvedic Consultation. Ayurveda can
provide you good health in this fast moving
World. Pranayam, gems, mantra and meditation have
the power to improve the aura but gems and mantra
are specifically for individuals for whom they
are made of. He has the power to guide you
according to illness offer best treatment
accordingly. Ayurvedic and Yogic life -Regimes
are given to harmonize our natures to allow the
divine grace a field to work in.
3(No Transcript)
4Ayurveda consultation on schizophrenia
5Ayurveda consultation on viral load
6Ayurveda consultation on hormonal imbalance
7Thanks for your precious time