Title: Tyre Changer Machine
1Tyre Changer Machine
2- A tyre changer machine is an important equipment
used to mount and dismount wheels of a vehicle.
3- Changing a tyre with hand can be full of risk, as
it may result in errors. Whereas with a tyre
changer machine this is done with more accuracy.
4Things to Consider While Choosing Tyre Changer
- It should have Press Arms option.
- There should be an inbuilt wheel protection
mechanism. - A strong tyre changer weighs more.
- Manufacturer should be providing training
assistance for installation and giving the
warranty too.
5- With the Tyre Changer machine you can complete
your work of repairing or replacing of tyre with
6Contact Us
- To order Tyre Changer contact Interequip
- at
- http//www.interequip.com.au/tyre_changer/
Call us on 18000EQUIP (1800037847)