Title: Observing Binary Stars
1Observing Binary Stars
- Claudio Melo
- European Southern Observatory
2Some definitions
- Seeing the quality of observing conditions
induced by turbulence in Earth's atmosphere,
which blurs the images of astronomical objects.
- Seeing is measured in arcsec
- 1 arc sec car headlights 100km
- Angular size of the Moon Angular size of the
Sun 30 arc min
- Telescope resolution The ability of a telescope
to distinguish fine detail on planets or to see a
close double star as two separate images is
called the resolving power.
3Some definitions
- Difraction limit of the VLT (8.2m) as a function
of the wavelength
- Human eye resolving power of 1 arcmin
- Seeing at 0.5mm around 0.3'' (very good night) to
2.0'' (poor night). On average 0.8-1.1''
- Thus, due to the atmosphere, the images are
seeing limited, even if the telescope can do
4Visual Binaries
- Two stars gravitationally bound orbiting around a
common centre of mass in a eliptical motion which
can be detected and resolved using some imaging
devices (photographic plate, CCDs).
- Typical angular separation many times l/D
- Tens to a few hundred AUs
- aCen B is 23 AUs apart from aCen B
5High angular resolution thechniquesHow to beat
the atmosphere
- Speckle interferometry Idea is to observe an
object faster than the time-scale in which the
atmosphere changes, i.e., 10ms (in the optical)
and 100ms (in the infra-red) ? Diffraction limited
- Only good for very bright objects due to the very
short exposure times ? determined by the read-out
- Dmk4 for d l/D
- Analyze the data in the Fourier space
- More about it on Elliots talk
6High angular resolution thechniquesHow to beat
the atmosphere
Wave front distorted by the atmosphere
- Adapative optics A deformable mirror changes its
shape in order to compensate for the effects of
the atmosphere.
Deformable mirror
Real-time calculator
Instrument focus
Wave front analyzer
7High angular resolution thechniquesHow to beat
the atmosphere
Wave front distorted by the atmosphere
Deformable mirror
Real-time calculator
Wave front analyzer
8High contrast imaging
30 MJup
5 MJup
J18 (10.2)Ks17.4(10.2)sep4.8
equ. 30MJup. (10 Myrs) J20.2(12.4)Ks19.4(12.2
equ.3-5 MJup (10 Myrs)
- Sensitive to a few Jup. mass planets, wide
(50AUs) sep.
- (Chauvin et al.,2003)
9Astrometric binaries
- Since L M3, the photocenter of a binary system
is much closer to the primary star than the
barycenter. Thus, in addition to the proper
motion of the binary system, small jitters will
appear corresponding to the orbital motion of the
primary. - Sirius and Procyon were the first astrometric
binaries found in 1844 by Bessel.
- Hard to find binaries ? need long-term
astrometric campaings and high accuracy
- Hipparcos (120000 stars) ? 2-4mas down to V12.0
(Complete to V9.0)
- Next generation GAIA ? V16 (complete V15),
5x107 targets and accuracy of 10mas
- Planetary case PRIMA (Martins talk)
- Also many other talks
10Spectroscopic binaries
- Close multiple systems (Pdays) that can only be
detected by the periodic wobble of the spectral
lines in the combined spectrum.
- SB1 Only one set of lines is seen
- SB2 (shown below) Two sets of lines are seens in
the composite spectrum
11Radial Velocity
- Cross-correlation Function (CCF) is the result of
the convolution of the object spectrum by a
12The CCF
- Almost all lines participate in the convolution
- The CCF is a sort of mean spectral line
- Sensitivy to global phenomenona affecting all
lines (rotation, radial velocity, metallicity,
- Can achive good results with low S/N spectra (for
late-type stars)
13Radial Velocity Curve Orbital Solution
- The geometry of the problem and radial velocity
curve fitting
- a semi-major axis
- e eccentricity
- T periatron passage
- w longitude of periastron
- W longitude of the ascending node
- q true anomaly at time t
- K semiaplitude of the velocity curve
- P orbital period
Line of sight
14Examples of Orbital Solution
15Finding Extra-Solar Planets
First extra-solar planet
T-Tauri SB23rd companion
Whats the main difference in these radial
velocity curves for the planetary and stellar
16Radial Velocity Accuracy
- Planets Ka few tents of m/s
- Stars Kbroad range of values but always km/s
- We have to be able to control the sprectrograph
shifts through the night related to changes in
the temperature and atmospheric pressure
(ThAr)50m/s per mbar or 0.3 degrees - Keep the zero-point (good calibrations)
17HARPS The state-of-the-art of RV measurements
ThAr simultaneous Calibrations fiber
Object fibers
18Binary frequency among the solar-type stars
- Duquennoy Mayor (1991)
- Sample 164 stars (F7-G9) in the solar
- Radial velocity measurements collected during 13
yrs. with CORAVEL
60 of the solar-type stars in solar
neighborhood are in multiple systems!
19...and among the T-Tauri stars?
- Near IR high-angular resolution (e.g. Speckle,
direct imaging, lunar occultation)
- Typical resolving power 0.013"-13.0" (depending
on the ?mk)log Porb ? 3.5 - 7.5 days
The binary rate among the T-Tauri is 2x higher!
Binarity is established very soon 106 yrs ?
stellar formation
- Is the PMS binary frequency distribution 2x
higher everywhere?? PMS Binary frequency 100
- Or it's only the shape of the distribution which
changes in time?
The key is to measure the binary frequency over
an orbital period interval as large as that
explored by Duquennoy Mayor (1991)
21(No Transcript)
22Spectroscopic Campaign
- Sample of 65 stars already observed with
high-angular-resolution techniques
- Ghez et al. (1993) ? ?-OphGhez et al. (1997) ?
- GOAL measure the SB frequency of a sample for
which the visual binary frequency is already
- 3 years radial velocity survey performed at
ESO/La Silla with the 1.2m Swiss Euler
Telescope/CORALIE and 1.5-m ESO/FEROS
give the companion fraction per star
23Results 1
- 0 ? log Porb ? 1
- 1 triple system.csf0.04?0.03 (MS0.02?0.02)
- 1 ? log Porb ? 2
- 1 triple system, 1 binary.csf0.07?0.03
- 4.5 ? log Porb ? 6.0
- csf0.28?0.05 (MS0.15?0.05)
- 6.0 ? log Porb ? 7.6
- csf0.24?0.04 (MS0.11?0.04)
Melo (2001)
24Results 2
- No excess among the SB
- 2x more binaries among the VB
- SB frequency that found by Mathieu et al. (1992)
- 60 of field solar-type stars are in multiple
systems (Duquennoy Mayor 1991)
- Among the T-Tauri stars Visual BF of 1-2x MS
stars (Patience DuchĂȘne 2001)
- The T-Tauri SB frequency MS SB 10
- Oph seems to have a SB frequency higher than 10,
however the results are not statistically
26Patience DuchĂȘne (2001)
27Patience DuchĂȘne (2001)