Title: Forevershop
1Start your free online shop and website
with forevershop.in
2Era of Internet-
In todays time everything is becoming online. In
old days we used to buy clothes, home appliances,
watches, toys, train-movie tickets but now we
prefer buy everything online because it saves our
time. According to a study conducted by
the Internet and Mobile Association of India,
the e-commerce sector is reached Rs. 211,005
crore by December 2016.
Great Potential in online market You can be very
successful if you come online in these time.
3Online shop/website- Key to success
It is not a surprise then that of the estimated
50 million micro SMBs in India, currently a bare
0.1 have an online presence.
If the Online retail industry has so much
potential, and internet users in India are also
increasing day by day then why not offline shop
owners coming online and taking advantages of
this huge opportunities??
4There are many reasons why offline shop owners,
resellers or whole-sellers don't have online
presence. When we talk about online shopping what
comes in your mind??? Flipkart, Amazon, sanapdeal
yes!!!! But the reason why the small shop owners
or sellers are not able to sell in this giant
companies are technical issues like sellers are
not much comfortable with sellers app features or
English or payment gateways etc and second is
legal issues, these giant companies requires many
legal document which is not possible for all
shops and also the commission rate they charge is
also very high.
These giant companies reject 5 lack sellers every
years to sell on their platform.
5Now, when sellers have no options to sell online
then they go to sell on social media platforms
like facebook, whatsapp, instagram. If you own a
shop then to make it online, you might have made
online store/page/profile but try to focus on
following points- 1.Do you have a big brand, so
that people will like your store. 2.How can
customer can trust your services and
products. 3.What facilities are you providing
them like Shipping, Logistics,payment
Gateway. 4.How you keeping your customers updated
with the new products.
6What to do???
Don't worry
Forevershop.in is here for you
7C2C Social eCommerce Platform where sellers can
create their FREE Online Shop to Sell Online on
Facebook, Whatsapp Instagram.Build your own
Brand and Shop, Manage products Increase your
sales on Facebook/WhatsApp/Instagram, Connect
directly to customers, and experience Instant and
Reliable payment options for all
transactions! Platform to create Online Shop to
Sell Online on Facebook,whatsapp and instgram.
8Platform to create Online Shop to Sell Online on
Facebook,whatsapp and instgram. Build your own
Brand and Shop, Manage products Increase your
sales on Facebook/WhatsApp/Instagram,Connect
directly to customers, and experience Instant and
Reliable payment options for all transactions!
https//www.facebook.com/ForeverShop.in/ https//
twitter.com/forevershop_in https//www.instagram
.com/forevershop.in/ https//www.linkedin.com/co