Title: Buy Alcohol Free Drinks Online
1Drawbacks of Taking Alcoholic Drinks
2Drinking alcohol can develop into addiction
You might start drinking alcohol on a small scale
for social drinking etc. But, it is very common
for people who start small slowly develop into
3Regular intake of alcohol causes health problems
If you consume alcohol in large quantities
regularly it causes various health problems. It
causes cirrhosis, hepatitis, increased blood
pressure, damage to the heart muscles, cancer,
4It is harmful to the skin
It dehydrates the skin making it appear dull and
dry. It affects your liver which in turn imparts
a sallow and pasty look to your skin. Consuming
alcohol also makes your face look red and puffy.
5Leads to weight gain
Alcohol is rich in calories. However, moderate
consumption does not affect your weight. But
consuming it in large quantities on a regular
basis leads to weight gain.
6Alcohol impacts your thinking
Alcohol affects your nervous system and brain.
Hence, it affects your concentration and you are
unable to think clearly.
7Tingle your Palette with Alcohol free drinks
If you are addicted to alcohol and just cant
give it up, we have a solution for you. You can
now try alcohol-free drinks from
timeforalcoholfree. These drinks give you a
flavor similar to alcoholic drinks without any
Website http//timeforalcoholfree.co.uk