Title: Sleeve Boxes | Custom Sleeve Boxes
1Custom Sleeve Boxes
- Print your Dream Sleeve Boxes
1-800-347-2197 www.icustomboxes.com
2Introduction To Sleeve Boxes
- Sleeve boxes are amazingly-designed packaging
boxes, mainly produced for the purpose of
packaging and presenting of various items
including, jewelry and other small gift items.
3Sleeve boxes are printed, using quality ink.
These boxes are eco-friendly and can be recycled
for use again.
4Uses of Sleeve packaging boxes
- - Packaging of several items
- - Presenting items on retail store shelve
- - Promoting items in an effective manner
- - Reusable
- - Recyclable as are produced out of eco-friendly
5Customized sleeve boxes are impressive boxes,
easy to label and are flexible. Place your order
in bulk to attain huge discounts.
6Grab quality solutions to satisfy your packaging
7About Us
- I Custom Boxes is a leading production and
printing of personalized packaging boxes, known
for delivering creative solution to small, medium
and multi- national firms across the globe since
2010. We accomplish the following - Cost benefit
- 70 off on all custom boxes
- No die plate charges
- High quality offset printing
- 10 days turnaround
- Starting from 100 boxes
- DMCA protected
- Quality guaranteed
8Follow Us
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