Title: Best Android Training In Noida
1Android Training in Noida AIM-IT
2Details of the Android
- Android application is a interactive,
hands-on training which provides you a complete
overview of the Android platform and how to make
the most of your android application
development.The curriculum is developed
according to industry standards and requirements
and this course will make you an expert by
leveraging your existing core Java skillsAIM-IT
will trained You with original Android Phones to
test your application.
3Android Application fundamentals Activities and
tasks Components and layouts
4Android layouts and views Handling user
interaction events Grouping, accessing of
resources Designing your GUI
5Android Tools Covered
Android SDKEclipse (3.5 recommended)Android
Development Tools (for Eclipse) After this
android development course, students would be
able to work asMobile Application
DevelopersAndroid Application Business Owners.
6Android Training Provided By AIM-IT
- AIM-IT provided best Android training in
Noida. The Android training course has provided
with the latest technologies which are using at
the high corporate level. AIM-IT best option for
you and change your career in Android Training
Institute in Noida.
7Contact us