Title: FanContact review-(MEGA) $23,500 bonus of FanContact
1FanContact Message People As Much As You Want
FanContact a fully interactive cloud-based
technology that allows you to engage and message
people as much as you want. It leverage new
powerful facebook technology to get more sales,
increase engagement get twice more leads by
using cloud-based technology that allows you to
engage message people as much as you want.
What Is FanContact? Do you remember those old
BOTs apps where people had to messsage page to
get on your messenger list? Did you had any
success with those? Yea, I thought so. That is
not yours or those BOT API apps fault but it is
rather just human psychology. Almost nobody wants
to message facebook pages. I do not know why is
that, maybe people are just shy, but at the end
of the day you end up with no or very small
list. On the flip side, do you know what is the
most natural people behaviour on Facebook? It is
commenting. People comment left and rights on
everything without even thinking. What if there
was an app which can automatically, without
people doing anything else, add those people to
your list? Would it be game changer? You bet it
would.. The new FanContact app is doing just
that. When somebody comment on any post on any
of your pages, boom, the person is on your
list. Imagine how fast THAT would building your
list. FanContact a fully interactive cloud-based
technology that allows you to engage and message
people as much as you want. It leverage new
powerful facebook technology to get more sales,
increase engagement get twice more leads by
using cloud-based technology that allows you to
engage message people as much as you want.
2Not only the the latest facebook platform update
now allows you to import existing page contacts,
but also, thanks to it, messaging your page is no
longer the only way for people to get on yours
facebook messenger subscribers list. You can
respond to them automatically by using
autoresponser sequence or, if you want to, you
can send out immediate broadcast and the software
will do that too. That combination of comment
response contact import technology allowed us
to get 207 more subscribers comparing to number
of subscribers from message a page
action. FanContact is web/cloud software so you
do not need to install anything on your
computer. It do have 30-day no-question-asked
money back guarantee. Just drop Andrew a note
and they will refund your purchase in full if the
software has any issue or it cannot makes things
works for you.
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