Title: Top Rank Hotels in Chania - Hotel Alexis
1Holidays in Chania Town at Alexis Hotel
- Get a 15 Discount when you Book on our Website!
2 Alexis Hotel - Kallergidon Street 99,
Chania, Crete
Hotel Alexis is one of the most popular hotels in
Crete Chania. There are many reasons to choose
this one amid other Chania best hotels. If you
are searching for hotels in Chania those offering
affordable pricing, quality and prompt services,
Hotel Alexis will be the best choice for both
general stays and to enjoy holidays in Chania.
3 Alexis Hotel Crete and Chania Best Hotels
Hotels in Chania with sea view
4 Spend Your Holiday In Chania
It provides verious services which more
Freebies when you book
- Priority late check out
- Free WiFi
- Free breakfast
- Free parking
5 Book Direct and Save! Get
a 15 Discount when you Book on our Website!
Kallergidon Street, Chania Town Tel 28210
93733 Fax 28210 90526 reservations_at_hotelalexis.g
r www.hotelalexis.gr