Title: Marketing Research
1Dr. Rahul Govind Assistant Professor of Marketing
2Raison detre
- Marketing Research
- Collects Data
- Turns into information
- Helps in decision
The type of technique used differs
3Three types of methods used by MR to convert
Data ? Information
- 1) Survey Research
- 2) Mathematical Modeling
- 3) Experiments
4Marketing Research Types Classified by Need
- Academic Research
- There is no problem at hand.
- Is done to increase the horizon of knowledge.
- Nobody is making money RIGHT NOW!!
Does the increase in price drive down demand?
- Applied Research
- Solving a specific real life problem.
- Usually an at-hand problem
- We want to make MORE money!!
Should Heinz introduce a Green Ketchup for kids?
5Scientific Method
- Using firmly established Scientific Methods to
confirm or disprove ideas. - Every statement in world is FALSE unless proven
true by logic!! - Every statement made without proof is called a
PROPOSITION!! - Every statement made without proof, but that is
shortly going to be (dis)proved through logic is
6The Most Important MR Performance-monitoring
- Something went wrong?
- Re-evaluate?
- Check why things didnt go right!
- Research may be required to explain why something
went wrong
7Value Should Exceed Estimated Costs
- Research expenditures
- Delay of marketing decision and possible
disclosure of information to rivals - Possible erroneous research results
- Decreased uncertainty
- Increased likelihood of a correct decision
- Improved marketing performance and resulting
higher profits
8The Market Research Process
- What does the market research process entail?
- 1. Establish need for information
- 2. Establish information needs
- 3. Determine research design/data sources
- 4. Develop data collection procedures
- 5. Sample design
- 6. Survey design
- 7. Collect data
- 8. Process data
- 9. Analyze data
- 10. Write report/present findings
- 11. Action
9Step 1 Establish Need for information
- Do we need to conduct Marketing research?
- 1) Check out what the market is like! (SWOT
analysis) - Explore a new opportunity
- Check for any threats in the market
- Identify our strengths
- Identify or weaknesses
- 2) Check out if a strategy makes sense! (Dry run)
- Introducing a new product will it make money?
- 3) I see changes? Why do I see changes?
(Reactionary Research) - My product used to sell very well but its sales
are now declining! - 4) Have things changed from the past? (Tracking
Study) - I had a 30 Market Share last year. What is it
now? - 5) The law wants me to! (Mandatory Studies)
- Insurance and Medicine need to check for consumer
10Step 2 Establish Information Needs
- What are the questions that we need to ask?
- Will they give us answers to what we want to know
in step 1? - Show me the numbers!!!
11- EVIAN wants a NEW IMPOVED bottle
- (Square and Colored??)
- Questions
- What of customers will like the square base?
- What of consumers want clear bottles?
- Will the design change have any impact on
likelihood to buy bottled water?
12Step 3 Determine Design and Data Sources
- Can I get by using less money and time?
- Use Secondary Data!
- trade source may have published research on what
attributes of a bottle do customers like. - what happened when Aquafina and Dasani introduced
the square bottle in Japan - Can we just get by observing what is going on
around us? - Observational Research
- storing water in the refrigerator (square base?)
- taking the bottle to the gym (sipper cap?)
- serve the bottle at parties (color? stylish
bottle?) - Ok, we do need to spend Time AND Money!
- Survey Research
- Ask Subjects questions that will help us in
answering our questions - Do you prefer the square base over the round base
- Do you prefer a red colored bottle over the clear
13Secondary and Primary Data
14Step 4 Develop data collection procedure
- What types of data do we need?
- Attitudes how do people think/feel about our
products? - Behaviors how do people behave in the market?
- Demographics company, people, industry
- How should we collect the data? Get the right
guys to do it - Phone/Personal/Mail/E-mail (Surveys)
- Secondary research
- Observation
- The tie-breakers (why not go for the most data
always)? - Cost
- Time pressure
- Quality/quantity of data
15Step 5 Sample Design
- Who should be interviewed? (Population and
Sample) - Want to sell to the entire US. How do I survey
EVERYBODY? - Decision maker
- mother who buys water (purchaser) or
- teenager who goes to the gym (user)
- How should these respondents be contacted?
- Telephone interviews (Can respondent visualize
color, design etc.?) - Personal interviews (very expensive can we get
national coverage?) - Mail interviews (too slow? Can we wait that
long?) - How many people should we interview?
- At what level of confidence can we project the
results to the population? - What possible amount of error can we live with?
16Step 6 Survey Design
- Ask as few questions as possible and in a logical
fashion!! Humans are lazy. - Keep it simple and stupid
- Use language that is convenient and comfortable
for the respondent - Speak in the respondents language
- Would you consider yourself a turophile? Actual
Survey Qn by Kraft - Ask the hard questions first and easy ones last.
Humans are not only lazy, but they easily get
tired (Survey Fatigue)
17Step 7/8 Collect Process Data
- Interview quality control procedures
- Interviewer quality
- Make sure that you haven't hired a lazy guy
- Confirm that he is doing his job
- Data processing quality
- Data cleaning procedures
- Qn 6 asked - Do you like a square base?
- Respondent did not answer
- What will you do with that survey? ? TRASH
- Logic checks
- Qn 5 asked - Do you you own a car? Respondent
said No. - Qn 6 asked Is it an American Car? Respondent
said Yes. - What will you do with that survey ? TRASH
18Step 9 Analyze Data
- Does the data tell you anything without using
Math - Go back and review information needs Women like
the clear bottle - Visualize results A picture says a 1000 words
- Think, use your brains!
- Now use Math Techniques
- Cross-tabulations
- Multivariate analysis (regression, semantic
scales, conjoint) - More complex designs and analyses
- Dont just make the analysis very simple but
dont just go crazy with math either
19Step 10/11 Write a report/Take Action
- Writing reports
- User friendly reports
- Bullets and dashes format
- Picture is worth a 1000 words
- BLOT strategy (bottom line on top)
- Presenting findings
- Be sensitive to the audiences level of knowledge
- Be a manager, not a statistician
- Sometimes numbers dont mean a thing! But most of
the times nothing means anything without numbers - Action
- Design changes in the marketing mix
- Go back and see if you need to get more data to
make better decisions