Title: South College Library Orientation
1South College Library Orientation
2The goals of this orientation are as follows
- Part I
- General Information Library Policies
- Library Collection
- Part II
- LC Classification
- General Search Techniques
- Databases VS Web Searching
3First, lets take a look at the library webpage
4Scrolling down the webpage will reveal additional
5General Information Policies
- South College maintains a library at each campus
6The Librarys hours of operation are as follows
- Hayfield Campus LibraryMonday - Thursday 800
A.M. 930 P.M.Friday 800 A.M. 400
P.M.Saturday 830 A.M. 100 P.M.
- Lonas Campus LibraryMonday - Thursday 730 A.M.
930 P.M.Friday 800 A.M. 400 P.M.Saturday
830 A.M. 100 P.M.
7Behavior Guidelines
- The main use of the library is for studying,
researching, and learning
8When you are in the library, please respect other
users needs
- Maintain quiet conversation
- Please turn off cell phone ringers or put phones
on vibrate while in the library. - Please conduct all cell phone conversations
outside of the library. - Do not bring in or consume food in the library
9Behavior Guidelines continued
- Do not bring children into the library. (This is
an institutional rule, not just a library rule.) - Use headphones to play audio programs
- Use courteous and polite behavior at all times in
all circumstances
For a full list of behavior guidelines see
- A Computer lab and copy machine is provided for
student use. - Copies are 10 cents a page.
11Laptop Policies
- The library also has laptops available to
students for checkout. - Laptops cannot leave the library.
- To sign a Laptop User Agreement form and check
out a laptop please bring your student ID and
Drivers License (or other form of ID) to the
circulation desk.
12Additional information about the libraries
policies can also be found on our webpage
13Library Collection
- Student Loan Period
- Books 2 weeksJournals 1 weekVertical Files
1 week Audiotapes 1 weekVideos 3 days
(limit of 3 items at once)
14About Our Collection
- The library collection is spread between two
15The Collections
- The Hayfield Campus library consists of
- business
- education
- general studies
- legal studies,
- and network/office technology collections.
- The Lonas Campus library
- is a medical library with
- collections to support our
- allied health programs.
16Library Collection
17Library Collection continued
18Databases Indexes
19Databases Indexes continued
20Choosing a database
- The databases and indexes are unique and each one
serves a specific purpose. - If you are having trouble choosing the best one
for your search please contact a librarian.
21Placeholder slide TBD
- For more information about searching databases
indexes see part II of the orientation (if we do
this?- or provide a link to a cheat sheet
22Interlibrary Loans
- If you need additional
- materials (including books
- or articles) South College
- also offers an Interlibrary
- Loan service.
- Requests can be made either in person, or by
e-mailing illdept_at_southcollegetn.edu
23For more details please see the interlibrary loan
24Subject Guides
- The South College Library also hosts subject
guides for all supported academic programs. - This provides a great starting point when
searching for websites on topics in your field.
25Additional information can be found under the
How Do I? section.
26Including links designed to help you learn how
to cite a source and avoid plagiarism
27As well as tips on how to search for journal
28As well as information about the Periodicals
South College maintains
- Now that you are familiar with the policies and
layout of the library webpage take some time to
browse the webpage for yourself. - If you have any questions please feel free to
seek out a librarian. And when you are ready,
look at - Part II
- LC Classification
- General Search Techniques
- Databases VS Web Searching