Title: Transaction Processing System
1Transaction Processing System, Characteristics
and Processing Cycle
Lecture 4
Inam Ul-Haq Assistant Professor (IT) University
of Okara Inam.bth_at_gmail.com
- Transactions
- Basic business operations such as customer
orders, purchase orders, receipts, time cards,
invoices, and payroll checks in an organization - A business activity between seller and buy to
exchange an asset for payment. - Transaction processing systems (TPS)
- A computerized system that performs and records
the routine transactions necessary to the conduct
of the business - Perform routine operations and serve as a
foundation for other systems - A Transaction of MIS (at operational level)
- Question a person using ATM machine is an
example of TPS?
3Batch vs. On-Line Transaction Processing
- Two types of Processing
- Batch processing
- A system whereby business transactions are
accumulated over a period of time and prepared
for processing as a single unit or batch - Manufacturing products, supply chain, salaries
- Real-Time processing
- A system whereby each transaction is processed
immediately, without the delay of accumulating
transactions into a batch - Real-time transaction
- Mostly in Online shopping
- Uses PCI cards(Payment Card Industry MasterCard,
Visa, Maestro, American Express, Discover, ) - Paypal or WorldPay, WePay, eWay, ICEPAY,
4Batch vs. Real-time Processing(Real Time)
5Batch vs. Real Time Processing(Batch Processing)
6Order Fulfillment Process
7Functions of TPS
- Input Functions
- Place an order for LUNCH
- Processing Functions
- Pizza is being prepared and served
- Output Functions
- Go to counter for payment, show discount cards,
get invoice
8Characteristics of TPS
- Performance
- Rapid Processing customers cant wait for TPS
to respond. - Reliability Breakdown will disrupt or stop
business - e.g. Banking, Financial, Stocks, Airline
reservations - Consistency All parties must agree on facts of
exchange - Atomicity All operations fail or succeed
- Data Integrity
- TPS is primarily concerned with data integrity
- Efficiency
- Paperless Transactions
- Reduce manual data entry (errors)
- Speed up transaction process
- Elimination of redundant steps
9Objectives of TPS
- Ensure data and information integrity and
accuracy - Produce timely documents and reports
- Increase labor efficiency
- Help provide increased and enhanced service
- Help build and maintain customer loyalty
- Achieve competitive advantage
10Processing Cycle
- Data Entry
- Collecting and capturing transactions
- No longer manual
- Old technologies Bar Codes, Magnetic Strips
(credit cards) - New technologies RFID, Smart Cards,
Schematic View (Cont.)
Corporate databases ofinternaldata
App databases Ebay.com, photo.net uses
Oracle Facebook.com built over MySQL
Application databases
Operational Databases (CRM)
Drill-down reports
Exception reports
Demand reports
Key-indicator reports
Input anderror list
12Processing Cycle (Cont.)
- Database Maintenance
- TPS helps ensure the databases are up-to-date and
correct. - Multiple databases (internal external)
- A single purchase
- decreases quantity Inventory Database
- decrease credit Credit Card Database
- increase sales Sales Database
13Processing Cycle (Cont.)
- Document/Report Generation
- Examples
- purchase orders
- pay checks
- sales receipts
- invoices
- bank statements
- An MIS also generates reports, but TPS reports
are operational (no analysis).
14Processing Cycle (Cont.)
- Inquiry Processing
- Examples
- when was a purchase made
- does a customer have any credits on their account
- was an item scheduled for delivery
- was a package signed for
- An MIS also allows for inquiries, but the
information available is summarized (or
aggregated), i.e., What are the total sales for a
whole department? What is the best selling
15Processing Cycle (Cont.)
- An Order Entry System affects
- accounting data
- inventory data
- customer data
- financial data
- invoicing data
- Enhanced Feedback
- Inventory is updated at the point of ordering,
not at the point of fulfillment. Eliminates
surprise backorders (out-of-stock products).
17Learning Assignments
- ePayment Methods (PayPal, Pynoor,Master-Card
etc.) - Anyone can buy anything online?
- Anyone can do eBanking?
- How to buy airline ticket?
- How to generate eCard through bank?