Title: 10 Strategies for Mobile Device Testing
210 Strategies for Mobile Device Testing
3We have known for a long while now that the rules
are different in mobility we are challenged by
the plethora of devices, OS types and OS
versions, and we have understood from the
beginning that new peripherals like GPS,
accelerators, cameras, microphones, and watches
have made app environments much more complex.
4(No Transcript)
5We can see that some of the compatibility
mechanisms that made it possible to automate
several different desktop browsers have yet to
fully be incorporated in the mobile space. As
with desktop, there are numerous mobile browsers,
with two dominating Chrome on Android and
Safari on iOS.
Moreover, there are two actual system making
frameworks that come into play for multiple
applications (web within local app) and most
other web browsers.
Webkit provides on both Android operating system
and iOS and is used by many Android operating
system local web browsers, Dolphin, and our own
Believe in Web browser Latest editions of both
iOS and Android operating system have fielded new
making things that are more just like Firefox and
Opera, respectively.
6We can share 10 strategies that our customers
have developed who automate mobile device
testing for mobile websites
7Mobile Device Testing
Anticipate conditions when testing.
Script reactively.
Embrace hybrid
Common solution
Expect hidden problems
Dont restrict your users
Use different designs
Verify UI actions.
Consider writing an app
Target mobility
9Anticipate conditions when testing.
Accept that your users will encounter your
website in conditions that are less than optimal.
Script reactively
Avoid fixed-duration waits. Websites may vary in
their responsiveness, and your site in Dolphin on
an S3 (Android) device may perform much more
slowly than on an S6 or iPhone 6.
10Common solution
Write and test for the most generic rendering
engine and then verify on faster and more recent
Embrace hybrid
Accept that many of your users will come to your
website by using the device default browser or a
hybrid app that may not perform.
11Dont restrict your users
When testing shows compatibility issues
among browsers, youre going to have to craft
a solution that works on all browsers or inform
your users that you have restricted them to a
Expect hidden problems
Do not underestimate the compatibility issues out
there. If youre going to support users on all
platforms, youre going to have to deal with such
seemingly hidden compatibility issues hidden
in that they lie in the platform, not in the
browser or your code.
12Verify UI actions.
You may have to verify some UI actions,
particularly if you have a very large site with
large pages, lots of graphics, and animations.
Use different designs
When compared to the processing power, memory,
graphics engines, and screen sizes of desktop
systems, most mobile phones are still
13Target mobility
This last point may reduce some of the benefits
of using HTML rather than a native app many
websites should not simply be re-displayed or
re-formatted for mobility.
Consider writing an app
Consider using a native app in mobility, as Face
book did. With the advent of watches and other
wearable's, you may not be able to leverage all
the device peripherals and wearable's any other
14The right type of testing company can even help
you in promoting your mobile website or app
properly by offering effective testing services.
15Contact Us
3423 Piedmont Road NESuite 465Atlanta, GA 30305
Call Us
1 (404) 214 5804
16Thank You