Title: 1 door upright cooler Vancouver BC| gioskitchen
1Welcome to Gios kitchen restaurant food
2About Us
We at Gio's Kitchen Truly understands all your
needs from start to finish, starting or upgrading
all your commercial kitchen equipments.Either
pizza or restaurant or bakery..........
Businesses?We got you all covered. We buy,
recycle used or new commercial food equipments.We
are fully responsible providing you top notch
services in professional commercial food
equipments and one-stop supplier-dealer of
commercial kitchen equipment. We are located on
Kingsway the heartbeat of Vancouver BC, beautiful
British Columbia Canada.
31 door upright cooler Vancouver BC
Are you looking to buy the best quality 1 door
upright cooler in Vancouver, BC? Come to the
Gios Kitchen we are proud to be recognized as
one of the leading and trustworthy suppliers cum
dealers of commercial kitchen equipments in
Vancouver, BC. We stock certified and high
performance new or used kitchen equipment or
appliance. To purchase a low cost yet top quality
1 door upright cooler for your commercial
kitchen, call us today at 778-885-9142.
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5Contact Us
- Our ShowRoom
- Gio's Kitchen Commercial Food Equipments 642
KingswayVancouver, BC V5T 3K4Canadaemail giosk
itchen_at_yahoo.ca - gioskitchens_at_gmail.com
- 778-8859142
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