Title: Video Testimonial Blueprint review-$16,400 Bonuses & 70% Discount
1Video Testimonial Blueprint Step by step
training to take your video creation techniques
to the next level. Video Testimonial Blueprint
is a step-by-step guide that teaches you how to
write and edit effective testimonial videos that
work, all without having to deal with cameras,
equipment or actors. http//crownreviews.com/vide
o-testimonial-blueprint-review-bonus/ What Is
Video Testimonial Blueprint? Are you serious
about your video production skills? Are you
looking to master editing videos for your
clients? Are you tired of buying templates that
look just like everyone else's videos?
Introducing Video Testimonial Blueprint In this
product, Video Testimonial Blueprint, Sherman
will teach you the step-by- step guide to
writing and editing effective testimonial videos
that work, all without having to deal with
cameras, equipment or actors. Creating videos
easily from the comfort of your home or
office. You'll have a deep insight into the work
Sherman Williams does every day for local
business owners just like the ones in your
market. Video Testimonial Blueprint will teach
you everything from basic PowerPoint design to
advanced non-linear editing techniques. Its all
here for you.
2- How Does Video Testimonial Blueprint Work?
- https//www.youtube.com/watch?v6-QIpDj3pQIfeatur
eyoutu.be - What Will You Learn With Video Testimonial
Blueprint? - Learn the secret of finding great testimonials
- Learn how to use powerpoint/keynote and your
editor to create powerful videos - Step by step training walking you through the
testimonial video creation process from start to
finish - Learn how to make hundreds of dollars from just
one video! - Who Should Use Video Testimonial Blueprint?
- Whether you're starting out, or a professional
this product is for you. Video Testimonial
Blueprint will help you improve every aspect of
your video editing skills using basic techniques
that anyone can master. - Use this blueprint to land new clients or offer
new services to your existing clients. Sherman
will walk you through every step. From writing
and finding great testimonials, to editing and
even selling, you'll learn it all. - Why Should You Get Video Testimonial Blueprint
Now ? - The best way to learn is to watch someone do it.
So, in this product Sherman will walk you
through each step in his process. He will show
you what he does and why he does it.
3- It doesn't get any easier than that. But just in
case, you'll have direct access to the
LocalVideoSecrets.com facebook group. You can
post your questions and get solutions to any
problems you may have. - With this knowledge you can sell videos to all of
these local businesses and more! - Accountant
- Acupuncture Clinic
- Aged Care - Senior Living
- Anti-Aging Skin Care
- Attorney - Bankruptcy
- Attorney - Divorce
- Auto Repair Shop
- Beauty Salon Day Spa
- Bookkeeping Services
- Bridal Boutique Showroom
- Carpet Cleaning
- Child Care Daycare
- Chiropractor
- Computer Repairs
- Dental Practice - Children
4- Pool Maintenance
- Real Estate Agent - Selling
- Roofing Contractors
- Travel Agents
- Veterinarian
- Take a look at this awesome example video!
- https//www.youtube.com/watch?vHQ4IwfLRbpkfeatur
eyoutu.be - Now lets hear what others have to say about
Video Testimonial Blueprint - Sherman is hands down the best video production
guy Ive ever met. His videos are both
professional and amazing. Hes incredibly
professional and knows the video industry inside
out. This product the templates are
beautifully designed, simple to understand and
easy to use (even if you are a newbie)! I highly
recommend you pick up all of his products. - Kim Senney
- https//www.youtube.com/watch?vXDQpa-cxhQcfeatur
eyoutu.be https//www.youtube.com/watch?vctObMJ
3p-CUfeatureyoutu.be - Conclusion
- If you have any basic video editor and PowerPoint
or keynote, you can make effective videos that
can sell for hundreds of dollars. - Hell take you step-by-step through every part of
the process, from finding great testimonials to
editing, to pitching and selling videos to new
clients. Hell also throw in a free template and
project file for you to follow along with. Also,
you can get direct access to his help and their
private facebook group. So click the link below
and youll get complete access to Video
Testimonial Blueprint and more.
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