Title: Office Space for Rent
1Hiawatha Day School
The Hiawatha Day School is located in Boyson
Square in Hiawatha in Boyson Square. Overlooking
the developments pond, the day children enjoy
the sound of the fountains as they play outside.
This facility provides learning and daycare
experience for children ages 0-5 preparing them
for kindergarten.
Clickstop owns and operates 7 online retail
stores and employs the awesome people that
operate them. Everything from customer service,
to marketing, to purchasing, to manufacturing, to
stocking and shipping product is performed by
Clickstop. Exceptional growth has required them
to begin work on a new addition that includes
warehouse and office space.
3The Depot
Construction is underway on The Depot, Newbos
newest mixed-use project! Located just behind the
Newbo Market, The Depot will include retail,
office and living space to create a unique
work/live/play community. Construction for this
project is phased into buildings and will
continue over the next 2-3 years.
4Newbo Station
Newbo Station is located in the heart of Newbo
across from the Market. This mixed-use project
includes retail business on the main floor with
apartments above. Its location makes it the
perfect home for someone who wants to live in
Newbo where the action is.
5The Team
You can design and create, and build the most
wonderful place in the world. But it takes people
to make the dream a reality.
6Contact Us
1641 Boyson Square Drive Suite 100 Hiawatha, Iowa
Call Us
7Thank You