Title: OOH Billboards For ISHQ by Arijit Singh
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2OOH Billboards For ISHQ by Arijit Singh
Mumbai 104.8 has showcased Arijit Singhs songs
collection ISHQ on large billboards by Indias
most trusted OOH agency-Global Advertisers. The
branding campaign aims at promoting channels
ISHQ collection of Bollywood singer Arijit Singh
to people. To make people aware about the
programme, the network has initiated unique OOH
campaign on colourful canvas of large hoardings
and public utilities. Global Advertisers rolled
out the campaign by selecting right locations
catering to the right audience. The wide hoarding
network of Global Advertisers helped the brand to
effectively communicate the message to larger
number of audience. We have dedicated our
best hoarding for 104.8. Global Advertisers has
the largest number of premium hoardings at
strategic positions to enhance the reach of our
client. We are sure to get the best results from
our campaign. said, Sanjeev Gupta, MD, Global
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